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The Sound of CZSK Emo Rap

Dive into the world of "The Sound of CZSK Emo Rap," a playlist that's brimming with raw emotion and introspective beats. This curated collection showcases the depth and diversity of the emo rap scene in Czechia and Slovakia, featuring a wide range of artists. From the haunting melodies of Totally Nothin's "Motýli v břiše" to the introspective reflections of semspoko in "Levný víno," this playlist captures the essence of a genre that thrives on vulnerability and raw expression.

Tracks like Skelly's "Svítání" and AMK's heartfelt "Odejít" add layers of emotional complexity, showcasing the lyrical depth and musical evolution within the CZSK emo rap community. Whether it's the haunting remix of "Hollow" by SKiNNY BARBER and STEIN27, or the introspective vibes of Calin and Viktor Sheen’s "Safír," each song adds a unique voice to the collective experience of navigating life's highs and lows. Perfect for those moments when you need a soundtrack that resonates with your innermost thoughts, this playlist is your gateway to the unique sound of CZSK emo rap.

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$TOKA 2 tracks
AMK 3 tracks
Adam the World 1 track
Adyos 1 track
Ajvo 1 track
BassKid 2 tracks
Brumiik 2 tracks
Calin 1 track
Carl Johnson 1 track
Casper 3 tracks
DAYWITT 1 track
DJ Kadr 2 tracks
DONY X DAVEE 2 tracks
Dante 1 track
Dominik Grey 2 tracks
Empty 2 tracks
Hasan 4 tracks
Hey Yendo 1 track
IAM Oskar 1 track
Jayk3m 1 track
Jurus 1 track
Kamaji04 1 track
Kamil Hoffmann 1 track
Kup Kodein 1 track
LIL GRIPPIE 4 tracks
Lafi 1 track
Lajfr 1 track
Lil MaluX 1 track
Lil Pawlie 1 track
MEIZMEN 2 tracks
Matyas Black 1 track
Medooza 3 tracks
Meeca 1 track
Meiton 5 tracks
Milion Plus 2 tracks
Mooza 3 tracks
Morpheus 1 track
NIKØTIN 3 tracks
Nik Tendo 3 tracks
Oscar BG$ 1 track
PEET 1 track
PTK 1 track
Pil C 1 track
Pingi 1 track
Porty 1 track
Protiva 6 tracks
Psycho Rhyme 4 tracks
RNZ 2 tracks
Rainer 4 tracks
Resetedh 2 tracks
Reznik 3 tracks
Riad 3 tracks
Roxana 1 track
SKiNNY BARBER 3 tracks
STEIN27 2 tracks
STN 1 track
Sadboy4eva 1 track
Samm734 2 tracks
Saul 1 track
Schyzo 4 tracks
Sensey 3 tracks
Separ 1 track
Sergei Barracuda 1 track
Serpent Trick 1 track
Sickbrain 3 tracks
Skelly 3 tracks
Skelly 1 track
Steve Sniff 1 track
TIGP Purrple 1 track
TOXIC 3 tracks
Terezie Adamová 1 track
Totally Nothin 6 tracks
Trespo 2 tracks
True Gabe 4 tracks
Téčko 2 tracks
Vercetti CG 3 tracks
Viktor Sheen 2 tracks
Voodoo808 1 track
WARp 2 tracks
WEN 1 track
WIG 1 track
WTFMAX 4 tracks
Whtevr 2 tracks
Wongrey 1 track
Woundysoul 1 track
Yann Roses 2 tracks
Yzomandias 3 tracks
Zuris 2 tracks
guNy 1 track
hxrx leo 1 track
metyou 2 tracks
najhi17 3 tracks
semorg 1 track
semspoko 4 tracks
siccit21 1 track
weibe 1 track
Čajkovski 2 tracks