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The Sound of Acoustic Punk

See also Intro, Pulse, Edge, ♀Filter or 2023; or the Sounds of Folk Punk, Canadian Blues, Czech Folk Rock, Streektaal, Memphis Americana, Neo Honky Tonk, Italian Adult Pop, Classic Finnish Rock, Classic Texas Country or Jovem Guarda; or much more at

RecentMusic users are tracking 117 The Sound of Acoustic Punk artists for new releases, and have access to the full timeline of 838 releases .

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(Person) (Noun) 2 tracks
AJJ 2 tracks
Andy Warpigs 2 tracks
Ankle Grease 1 track
Apes of the State 3 tracks
Arroyo Deathmatch 1 track
Audio/Rocketry 1 track
Average Joey 2 tracks
Bandit the Panther 2 tracks
Bandits Of The Acoustic Revolution 2 tracks
Beans on Toast 2 tracks
Ben Marwood 2 tracks
Billy Liar 2 tracks
Blackbird Raum 2 tracks
Bobby's Oar 2 tracks
Bread & Roses 2 tracks
Brendan Kelly 2 tracks
Calibretto 13 1 track
Chad Fontaine 2 tracks
Chad Hates George 3 tracks
Chatterbox and the Latter Day Satanists 3 tracks
Cheap Haircuts 2 tracks
Chicken Little 1 track
Chris Cresswell 3 tracks
Chris T-T 2 tracks
Chuck Ragan 2 tracks
Cokie the Clown 2 tracks
Corporate Hearts 3 tracks
Dan Potthast 1 track
Days N Daze 2 tracks
Defiance, Ohio 2 tracks
Dirty Kid Discount 2 tracks
Dirty Schazmann 1 track
Downward Dogs 1 track
Ducking Punches 2 tracks
Erica Freas 1 track
Evan Greer 2 tracks
Even In Blackouts 1 track
Feudalism 2 tracks
Forest Pooky 1 track
Foxes Faux 1 track
Frank Turner 1 track
Gab De La Vega 1 track
Garrett Dale 2 tracks
Gaz Brookfield 2 tracks
Get Dead 2 tracks
Ghost Mice 3 tracks
Grace Petrie 1 track
Harley Poe 2 tracks
Holy Locust 2 tracks
Human Kitten 2 tracks
Human Petting Zoo 2 tracks
Isaac Graham 1 track
Jaakko & Jay 1 track
Jake Martin 2 tracks
Jared Hart 2 tracks
Jeff Rowe 1 track
Jesse Sendejas 1 track
Jim Lockey and the Solemn Sun 2 tracks
Joe McMahon 2 tracks
Johnny Nocash 1 track
Just Nick 3 tracks
Justin Sane 1 track
Kevin Seconds 2 tracks
Laura Jane Grace 2 tracks
Lesbian Poetry 2 tracks
Lisa Bates 2 tracks
Live Nude Girls 1 track
Ludlow 2 tracks
Matt Pless 3 tracks
Matt Skiba 2 tracks
Micah Schnabel 2 tracks
Mike Herrera 1 track
Miranda Jade Kennedy 1 track
Mischief Brew 3 tracks
Miss Paula Flynn 1 track
Moon Bandits 2 tracks
Mount Righteous 1 track
Mr. Plow 1 track
Nimming Ned 1 track
Not Half Bad 3 tracks
Onsind 2 tracks
Out of System Transfer 2 tracks
Paper Ceilings 2 tracks
Pat The Bunny 2 tracks
Paul Baribeau 2 tracks
Pedals On Our Pirate Ships 2 tracks
Pigeon Pit 2 tracks
Porch Cat 2 tracks
RENT STRIKE 3 tracks
Rail Yard Ghosts 2 tracks
Ramblin' Bones 1 track
Ramshackle Glory 3 tracks
Revisions 1 track
Rumbleseat 2 tracks
Sam Russo 2 tracks
Scorpios 2 tracks
She/Her/hers 2 tracks
Shootin' Pains 1 track
Sophie Porter 1 track
Spud Nigger 1 track
TV Smith 1 track
The Bridge City Sinners 2 tracks
The Carnival of Shadows 1 track
The Haymarket Squares 2 tracks
The Manx 2 tracks
Tim Barry 2 tracks
Tim Vantol 2 tracks
Tragical History Tour 1 track
Trashbag Ponchos 2 tracks
Uzuhi 1 track
Violent Femmes 1 track
We The Heathens 3 tracks
Wingnut Dishwashers Union 3 tracks
Yesterday's Ring 1 track
jinx lennon 1 track