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The Sound of Indonesian Idol Pop

See also Intro, Pulse, Edge, ♀Filter or 2023; or the Sounds of J-Pop Boy Group, Candy Pop, Vocaloid, J-Division, Electropowerpop, Classic J-Pop, Anime Latino, C-Pop Girl Group, Japanese VTuber or Dansei Seiyū; or much more at

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Playlist Artists Spotify Logo
6 Starz 2 tracks
7Icons 3 tracks
AB Three 1 track
Amai Monogatari 3 tracks
Amehana 3 tracks
Andela Yuwono 1 track
B Force 2 tracks
BE5T 2 tracks
Blink 3 tracks
CJR 3 tracks
Cherrybelle 3 tracks
Coboy Junior 2 tracks
Daisies 1 track
Deer Girls 2 tracks
Devilust 1 track
FOXYROSE 2 tracks
Franzeska Edelyn 1 track
Hira Dazzle 3 tracks
HyunA 1 track
JKT48 2 tracks
Kilau 1 track
Kobo Kanaeru 1 track
Kohi Sekai 2 tracks
LuSca ID 1 track
MINNI 1 track
Max 5 2 tracks
Melly Goeslaw 1 track
Milenia 1 track
Ministry of Idol 3 tracks
Moe Jidai Densetsu 3 tracks
Momiji Velvet 3 tracks
Nanoka 3 tracks
Occata 1 track
S4 2 tracks
SMASH 3 tracks
Samuel Cipta 1 track
Saywon 3 tracks
Shojo Complex 2 tracks
Soul Sisters 1 track
StarBe 2 tracks
Super 7 3 tracks
Super Girlies 3 tracks
T2 1 track
Teenebelle 3 tracks
Treeji 2 tracks
Twenty Nine Teens 3 tracks
UN1TY 2 tracks
Winxs 1 track
XO-IX 3 tracks