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The Sound of Australian Thrash Metal

"The Sound of Australian Thrash Metal" is a powerhouse collection of some of the most intense and unrelenting tracks in the genre. Dive into heavyweights like Hidden Intent's "Dead End Destiny" and Harlott's "First World Solutions," both of which exemplify the technical prowess and raw energy that define the Aussie thrash scene. You'll also find the ferocious riffs of In Malice's Wake's "Bear the Cross" and the relentless aggression in Flaming Wrekage's "Paralysis," delivering a sonic assault from start to finish.

This playlist also features standout tracks like "Reckoning" by Envenomed and "Imprisoned" by Mason, which capture the ferocity and precision synonymous with Australian thrash. From the iconic "Voyage Of The Disturbed" by Mortal Sin to the blistering "Machines of War" by Metreya, each track showcases the diversity and talent within the scene. Whether you're a die-hard fan or new to the genre, "The Sound of Australian Thrash Metal" offers a comprehensive dive into the best of Australian thrash.

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9 Foot Super Soldier 1 track
Alkira 3 tracks
Armata 1 track
As Light Decays 1 track
Asylum 3 tracks
Atomic Death Squad 1 track
Bastardizer 3 tracks
Battlegrave 3 tracks
Black Banner 1 track
Blood of the Lannisters 1 track
Broken Loose 2 tracks
Carbon Black 2 tracks
Dark Order 1 track
Darker Half 2 tracks
Death Dependant 1 track
Demonhead 2 tracks
Desecrator 3 tracks
Deströyer 666 2 tracks
Elm Street 2 tracks
Enforce 1 track
Envenomed 3 tracks
Executus 2 tracks
Firestorm 3 tracks
Flaming Wrekage 3 tracks
Gospel of the Horns 2 tracks
Harlott 3 tracks
Head in a Jar 2 tracks
Hell Machine 3 tracks
Hellbringer 2 tracks
Hidden Intent 3 tracks
Hobbs' Angel Of Death 3 tracks
Idle Ruin 3 tracks
In Malice's Wake 3 tracks
Incrypt 1 track
Killrazer 3 tracks
Kræn Meier 1 track
LORD 2 tracks
Lethal Vendetta 2 tracks
Livewire 3 tracks
Maniaxe 2 tracks
Mason 3 tracks
Mass Confusion 1 track
Medics of Pain 1 track
Meshiaak 1 track
Metreya 3 tracks
Michael Stützer Hansen 1 track
Mortal Sin 3 tracks
Mortification 1 track
Odius 3 tracks
Overpower 1 track
Panik 2 tracks
Party Vibez 2 tracks
Persecution 1 track
Plague 9 1 track
Primitive 2 tracks
PurEnvy 2 tracks
Rampage 1 track
Reaver 3 tracks
Remission 2 tracks
Requiem 2 tracks
Ryan Knight 1 track
Sadistik Exekution 2 tracks
Serenity Defiled 1 track
Shadow Realm 1 track
Shatter Brain 3 tracks
ShreddeR 1 track
Stu Marshall 1 track
Taramis 1 track
Terrance Hobbs 1 track
Thrash Bandicoot 3 tracks
Thraxas! 3 tracks
Tim "Ripper" Owens 1 track
Triple Kill 2 tracks
Truth Corroded 3 tracks
Van Diemen 1 track
Vanadium 1 track
Vexation 2 tracks
Warrior Within 2 tracks
Wartooth 2 tracks