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The Sound of Muzică Maramureşeană

"The Sound of Muzică Maramureşeană" brings together a rich collection of songs from the Maramureș region of Romania, highlighting its deep traditions and distinctive folk sound. This playlist includes performances from well-known artists such as Maria Mihali, Paul Ananie, and Dumitru Fărcaș, featuring lively dance tunes, emotional laments, and spiritually influenced melodies. Tracks like "Cetera Mie Mi Draga" by Stanica De La Sighet and "Fecioreasca de pe Mureș" by Dumitru Fărcaș showcase the region's unique instrumental styles, while vocal pieces such as "Multe Am Strans In Inima" by Lena Miclăuș and Ghita Munteanu carry the heartfelt storytelling of Maramureș folk music.

With a mix of wedding songs, drinking tunes, and reflective ballads, this playlist gives a well-rounded introduction to the music of Maramureș. Songs like "Zicem Una De Baut" by Carmen Chindris contribute to the festive atmosphere, whereas tracks such as "Horea Omului Instrainat" by Fratii Florea and Suzana și Daciana Vlad bring a more contemplative tone. Whether highlighting the everyday joys of life or touching on deeper emotions, the selections offer an authentic taste of this vibrant musical tradition.

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Playlist Artists Spotify Logo
Adi Sabadis 3 tracks
Alex Martari 1 track
Alina Dunca 2 tracks
Amalia Ursu 3 tracks
Anca Pojar 1 track
Ancuta Pop si Grigore Pop 1 track
Andreea Rus 3 tracks
Andrei Abriham 1 track
Angela Buciu 3 tracks
Anghelina Timis 1 track
Anghelina Timis Lung 2 tracks
Anisoara Rad 1 track
Anuca Poenar 2 tracks
Bianca Fodoruț 2 tracks
Bianca Tarasan 1 track
Carmen Chindris 1 track
Ceterasii din Maramures 1 track
Corina Chereches 3 tracks
Cornelia Tudorovici 1 track
Crăciunul in Maramureș 1 track
Delia Pop 1 track
Diana Cîrlig 3 tracks
Diana Dinu 1 track
Dumitru Fărcaş 3 tracks
Emil Gavriș 1 track
Ensemble Tara Oasului 1 track
Florentina 1 track
Florentina si Petre Giurgi 3 tracks
Formația Fraților Petreuș 1 track
Fratii Florea 1 track
Frații Pițigoi 2 tracks
Gavrilâ Mihali 1 track
Georgiana Pop 1 track
Gheorghe Turda 3 tracks
Ghita Munteanu 1 track
Grupul IZA 1 track
Grupul Iza 4 tracks
Grupul Izvorul Izei 1 track
Inhabitants of Hoteni village 1 track
Inhabitants of Poienile Izei village 1 track
Inhabitants of Valeni village 1 track
Ioan Pop 1 track
Ioan Pop 2 tracks
Ion Petreuș 3 tracks
Ionela Bumb 1 track
Ionuț Bledea 2 tracks
Ionuț Sidău 1 track
Lena Miclăuș 3 tracks
Les Frères Pitigoi 1 track
Liliana Pop 1 track
Lucian Sereș 1 track
Marcel Seras 1 track
Maria Coman 3 tracks
Maria Homei Costea 1 track
Maria Luiza Mih 3 tracks
Maria Maris 1 track
Maria Mihali 3 tracks
Maria Mihali 2 tracks
Matei Mihali 1 track
Mihaela Grec 2 tracks
Mihai Sicoe 3 tracks
Mihăiță Chiș 3 tracks
Nastacuta Iuga 3 tracks
Nicolae Griguta 1 track
Nicolae Sabău 3 tracks
Nițuca Iușco 2 tracks
Nițuca Iușco si Țucu Ionuț 1 track
Năstăcuța Iuga 1 track
Oana Tomoiaga 1 track
Oana Tomoiaga 3 tracks
Oana Tomoioagă 1 track
Orchestra ansamblului Maramureşul din Baia Mare 1 track
Ovidiu Cozma 1 track
Paul Ananie 3 tracks
Petrica Giurgi 1 track
Roxana Corban 1 track
Stanica De La Sighet 1 track
Stefan Peter (Floreanu) 1 track
Stefan Vlasin și Oana Matei 1 track
Suzana și Daciana Vlad 4 tracks
Titiana Mihali 3 tracks
Vasile Cordea 2 tracks
Vasilica Ceterasu' 1 track
Victoria Bizău 1 track
Victoria Darvai 1 track
Voichita Nemeş 1 track
Ștefan Petreuș 1 track