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The Sound of Yowapeda

"The Sound of Yowapeda" playlist is a thrilling ride through the dynamic and inspiring world of cycling anime "Yowamushi Pedal." Starting with the dreamy tones of 佐伯ユウスケ's "夢のような," the playlist quickly picks up pace with energizing tracks like LASTGASP's "Determination" and THE HIGH CADENCE's "Carry the Hope," perfectly capturing the competitive spirit and determination of the series' characters. Fans of the show will recognize the harmonies of well-loved teams like ソウポ北 and 箱根学園, found in motivating tracks such as "Be As One" and "Glory Road."

The collection offers an eclectic mix, from the whimsical and infectious "恋のヒメヒメぺったんこ" by 姫野湖鳥 to the spirited rivalry in "Over the Limit" by ROUTE85. Dive into character-driven solos and duets such as "Wind & Weed" and "クライマーズ・ハイ," which spotlight the unique personalities and growth of the series' protagonists. Whether you're reliving epic race moments or simply need a motivational boost, "The Sound of Yowapeda" delivers the perfect soundtrack for pushing limits and chasing dreams.

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AUTRIBE 1 track
Dirty Old Men 2 tracks
LASTGASP 3 tracks
Manzo 1 track
ROUTE85(真波山岳/泉田塔一郎/黒田雪成/葦木場拓斗/銅橋正清/新開悠人) 1 track
THE HIGH CADENCE(小野田坂道/今泉俊輔/鳴子章吉/手嶋純太/青八木 一/鏑木一差) 1 track
チーム箱根学園 <福富寿一(cv.前野智昭)、真波山岳(cv.代永 翼)、東堂尽八(cv.柿原徹也)、新開隼人(cv.日野 聡)、荒北靖友(cv.吉野裕行)、泉田塔一郎(cv.阿部 敦)> 3 tracks
チーム箱根学園(福富寿一、真波山岳、東堂尽八、新開隼人、荒北靖友、泉田塔一郎) 1 track
チーム総北 <小野田坂道(cv.山下大輝)、今泉俊輔(cv.鳥海浩輔)、鳴子章吉(cv.福島潤)、金城真護(cv.安元洋貴)、巻島裕介(cv.森久保祥太郎)、田所迅(cv.伊藤健太郎)> 1 track
チーム総北(小野田坂道、今泉俊輔、鳴子章吉、金城真護、巻島裕介、田所迅) 1 track
今泉俊輔(CV:鳥海浩輔) 3 tracks
今泉俊輔役:太田基裕 8 tracks
佐伯ユウスケ 3 tracks
姫野湖鳥(CV:田村ゆかり) 1 track
寒咲幹(CV:諏訪彩花) 1 track
寒咲通司役:倉貫匡弘 1 track
小野田坂道(CV:山下大輝) 3 tracks
小野田坂道役:村井良大 9 tracks
山咲あいみ 1 track
巻島裕介(CV:森久保祥太郎) 4 tracks
巻島裕介役:廣瀬智紀 6 tracks
巻島裕介役:馬場良馬 2 tracks
御堂筋翔役:村田充 3 tracks
手嶋純太(CV:岸尾だいすけ) 4 tracks
新開悠人(CV:内田雄馬) 1 track
新開隼人(CV:日野聡) 2 tracks
新開隼人(CV:日野聡)&泉田塔一郎(CV:阿部敦) 1 track
新開隼人役:宮﨑秋人 8 tracks
東堂尽八(CV:柿原徹也) 4 tracks
東堂尽八役:北村 諒 3 tracks
東堂尽八役:玉城裕規 4 tracks
橘綾(CV:潘めぐみ) 1 track
水田信行役:桝井賢斗 2 tracks
沢田完 3 tracks
泉田塔一郎(CV:阿部敦) 3 tracks
泉田塔一郎役:河原田巧也 8 tracks
田所迅(CV:伊藤健太郎) 2 tracks
田所迅役:大山真志 8 tracks
真波山岳(CV:代永翼) 4 tracks
真波山岳役:植田圭輔 8 tracks
石垣光太郎役:染谷俊之 2 tracks
福富寿一(CV:前野智昭) 2 tracks
福富寿一役:森本亮治 2 tracks
福富寿一役:滝川英治 5 tracks
箱根学園自転車競技部(滝川英治/鈴木拡樹/北村 諒/宮崎秋人/青木空夢/植田圭輔) 2 tracks
総北高校自転車競技部(小越勇輝/木村達成/深澤大河/郷本直也/友常勇気/馬場良馬) 2 tracks
荒北靖友(CV:吉野裕行) 2 tracks
荒北靖友役:鈴木拡樹 7 tracks
葦木場拓斗(CV:宮野真守) 1 track
金城真護(CV:安元洋貴) 3 tracks
金城真護役:郷本直也 8 tracks
銅橋正清(CV:小野大輔) 1 track
鏑木一差(CV:下野紘) 1 track
青八木一(CV:松岡禎丞) 3 tracks
鳴子章吉(CV:福島潤) 3 tracks
鳴子章吉役:鳥越裕貴 8 tracks
黒田雪成(CV:野島健児) 1 track