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The Sound of Yoik

Discover the unique and hypnotic sounds of yoik with this playlist, which brings together both traditional and modern interpretations of Sámi vocal music. Featuring artists like Mari Boine, Wimme, and Johan Sara Jr., the collection highlights the varied styles of this ancient oral tradition, blending voice with contemporary instrumentation, electronic elements, and ambient textures. Tracks such as "Gumpe" by Inga Juuso and Harald Skullerud and "Govadas - The Shaman Drum" by Nils Henrik Buljo and Egil Keskitalo showcase the rhythmic and melodic depth of yoiking, while songs like "Vuelie" by Frode Fjellheim and Christophe Beck offer cinematic arrangements inspired by the tradition. Whether rooted in folklore or infused with modern influences, these selections capture the essence of yoik as both a personal and communal expression.

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Adjagas 3 tracks
Ailloš 1 track
Ande Somby 3 tracks
Anders Isak Oskal 1 track
Anders P. Bongo 3 tracks
Andreas Eriksen 1 track
Anfisa Ageeva 1 track
Anfisa Agueeva 1 track
Anitas Livs 1 track
Anna Berit Pelttoperä 1 track
Anna von Hausswolff 1 track
Anne Berit Peltoperä 2 tracks
Anne Riitta Sara 1 track
Ante Aikio 1 track
Apmut Ivar Kuoljok 1 track
Arctic Philharmonic 1 track
Berit Anna Oskal Kemi 1 track
Berit Inger Anne Eira Buljo 1 track
Bernt Mikkel Haglund 7 tracks
Biret Ristin Sara 3 tracks
Bonggu Ànte 3 tracks
Bárut - Inga Juuso 3 tracks
Cantus 1 track
Chilluminati 1 track
Christophe Beck 1 track
DJ iDJa 3 tracks
Dagny Biti Green 1 track
Dronefolk 3 tracks
Egil Keskitalo 1 track
Eldbjørg Hemsing 1 track
Elen Inga Eira Sara 3 tracks
Elen Marianne Utsi 2 tracks
Eli Anne K.G Eira 1 track
Elin & The Woods 2 tracks
Elin Teilus 1 track
Ellen A. Oskal 1 track
Ellen Ravna Anti Triumf 1 track
Esa Kotilainen 2 tracks
Familjen 1 track
Frode Fjellheim 2 tracks
Frode Fjellheim Jazz Joik Ensemble 3 tracks
Gisle Soleng 3 tracks
Gájanas 3 tracks
Hans Ole Eira 2 tracks
Harald Devold 1 track
Harald Skullerud 5 tracks
Hildá Länsman 3 tracks
Hver gang vi møtes 1 track
Inga Biret Márjá Triumf 1 track
Inga Juuso 4 tracks
Inga-Maret Gaup Juuso 1 track
Inger Marie Nilut 3 tracks
Inger-Mari Aikio 2 tracks
Ingor Nila 3 tracks
Ingor Ántte Áilu Gaup 2 tracks
Ingá-Máret Gaup Juuso 1 track
Intrigue 3 tracks
Johan Anders Bær 3 tracks
Johan Eira 1 track
Johan Ivvar Gaup 3 tracks
Johan N.N. Eira 1 track
Johan Sara Jr. 3 tracks
Johan Sara Jr. Group 1 track
Johan Ánte Utsi 1 track
John Mathis A. Utsi 1 track
John Mathis Utsi 3 tracks
Jörgen Stenberg 1 track
Kari Margrethe Triumf 1 track
Karl Tirén 1 track
Kirsten Maret Olsen 1 track
Kjetil Dalland 1 track
Kristian Anttila 1 track
Kristin Mellem 2 tracks
Kristine Sara Gaup 2 tracks
Lars Henrik Blind 2 tracks
Lemet Áilu Anti 1 track
Lávre 1 track
Maari Kallberg 1 track
Magnus Vuolab 3 tracks
Maret Lajla Nedrejord 1 track
Mari Boine 3 tracks
Marina Grinchuk 1 track
Marit Gaup Eira 3 tracks
Marit Inga Sara Pettersen 1 track
Marit Kristine H. Sara 1 track
Marit Ragnhild Eira Fallås 1 track
Mary Sarre 1 track
Mathis A. Oskal 3 tracks
Matti Hyokki 1 track
Mattis Mathisen Gaup 3 tracks
Mikkel Mathis Hætta 2 tracks
Máhtte Ánte J. Sara 1 track
Niiles-Jouni Aikio 1 track
Niillas Holmberg 1 track
Niko Valkeapää 3 tracks
Nils Anders Påve 2 tracks
Nils Henrik Buljo 3 tracks
Nils Johansen 2 tracks
Nils-Aslak Valkeapää 5 tracks
Nuorat Deatnogátte 3 tracks
Nuorra Juoigit 1 track
Olav Torget 3 tracks
Ole Larsen Gaino 3 tracks
Orbina 3 tracks
Patrick Shaw Iversen 1 track
Per Bueng 3 tracks
Piera Eira 2 tracks
Pieras-Per-Ánne Ristin 2 tracks
Pávva 3 tracks
Ramona Linnea 2 tracks
Ravna Anti Guttorm 5 tracks
Roger Ludvigsen 1 track
Rolf Amundsen 3 tracks
Rávnna-Jon Rávná 2 tracks
Sancuari 3 tracks
Sara Inga Utsi 1 track
Seppo Paakkunainen 4 tracks
Shamaani Duo 2 tracks
Sjaella 1 track
Skáidi 1 track
Soleil Launière 1 track
Solju 3 tracks
Solveig Skum Solbakken 1 track
Steinar Raknes 1 track
Sunna Länsman 1 track
Sámás Muinna 1 track
Tapani Rinne 3 tracks
Terje Isungset 3 tracks
Torgeir Vassvik 2 tracks
Transjoik 3 tracks
Tundra Electro 3 tracks
Ulla Pirttijärvi 6 tracks
Ulla Pirttijärvi & Ulda 1 track
VASSVIK 2 tracks
VILDÁ 3 tracks
Vajas 3 tracks
Willows 1 track
Wimme 3 tracks
Wimme Saari 3 tracks
YL Male Voice Choir 1 track
Ánnámáret Ensemble 2 tracks
Ánte Mikke Gaup 1 track
Ánte Mikkel Gaup 3 tracks
Ára 3 tracks
Áššu 3 tracks
Øistein Hannsen 1 track
彭孟賢 1 track
木樓合唱團 1 track