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The Sound of Finnish Pop Punk

Dive into "The Sound of Finnish Pop Punk," a playlist that perfectly encapsulates the energetic spirit and rebellious heart of Finland's pop punk scene. Featuring tracks like "Mä en oo tulossa" by Flippipuisto and "Voit sä lopettaa?" by Juustopäät, this collection serves up catchy hooks and high-energy riffs that are sure to get you moving. From the raw emotion of Likaiset Pikkarit's "Läsnä" to the cheeky vibes of Negatiiviset Nuoret's "Mä Oon Niin Ruma," the playlist offers a varied palette of sounds that represent the unique flair of Finnish punk rock.

Expect anthemic highlights with songs like "Me tarvitaan terapiaa" by Kätfish, and enjoy the melodic undertones of "Ajan virta" by Aston Kalmari and "52 kertaa" by KIUSA. Whether it's the nostalgic echoes of "Sanni" by Ripsipiirakka or the hard-hitting anthem "Navalnyi" by Sallan Tauti, each track contributes to a whirlwind experience through Finland's pop punk landscape. This playlist is for anyone with an appetite for spirited, no-nonsense tunes that reflect both personal and societal narratives amidst infectious rhythms.

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15 Minutes Before The Dive 2 tracks
AFTA 2 tracks
AWA 1 track
Alan Happi 3 tracks
Aleksanteri Hakaniemi 2 tracks
Always the Same 2 tracks
Annette 1 track
Arpia 3 tracks
Arttu Lindeman 1 track
Aston Kalmari 3 tracks
Blame Me! 2 tracks
Blossom Hill 2 tracks
Broken Trend 2 tracks
Clarkkent 2 tracks
Cold Home 1 track
Destination Desolation 1 track
Dokumentia 1 track
Ei Kiinnosta 3 tracks
Fato 1 track
Flippipuisto 3 tracks
Freshones 1 track
Harkko 1 track
Hey Heather 2 tracks
Home Junior 2 tracks
I Walk The Line 2 tracks
I.N.K 1 track
Irwin Spirituals 1 track
Iso-T 1 track
Jantta Alkio 1 track
Jassen Kumivene 2 tracks
Jennifer 1 track
Jimi Pääkallo 2 tracks
Juustopäät 3 tracks
KIUSA 3 tracks
KabukiDrop 2 tracks
Kaija K. Kojootti 2 tracks
Kekkonen 1 track
Kirkkovene 4 tracks
Klamydia 5 tracks
Klisee 1 track
Korkkarit Kaappiin 1 track
Kuluman Markku 1 track
Kuritus 3 tracks
Kyynel 2 tracks
Kätfish 3 tracks
Lame Duck 2 tracks
Likaiset Pikkarit 4 tracks
Lokakuun Linnut 1 track
MadCraft 2 tracks
Mansesteri 1 track
Masan Poika 1 track
Musta orkidea 2 tracks
NB-631 1 track
NapalmiRadio 1 track
Negatiiviset Nuoret 3 tracks
No More Clothes 3 tracks
Olonkorjuu 1 track
Petri Viitala 2 tracks
Punk Lurex 2 tracks
Pyhät Tepot 1 track
Rautalehto 2 tracks
Reklamaatio 1 track
Revolvd 1 track
Ripitori OD 3 tracks
Ripsipiirakka 3 tracks
Rosecraft 1 track
Ruuhka 2 tracks
S.K.M 1 track
Saa Kiljua 3 tracks
Sallan Tauti 3 tracks
Stalingrad Cowgirls 1 track
Sundin Pojat 1 track
Suntrace 2 tracks
Suski 1 track
TAAGE 1 track
Teresa Banks 3 tracks
The Freza 1 track
The Odorants 3 tracks
Timi Nordman 2 tracks
Tulenkulkijat 3 tracks
Tyrävyö 3 tracks
Unelmasikiö 3 tracks
Vesku Jokinen 3 tracks
Vinttikoira 1 track
Wiitala 2 tracks
rock band from hell 2 tracks
ronjamarja 1 track
Ödeema 1 track