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The Sound of Québec Hardcore

"The Sound of Québec Hardcore" dives into the intense and unapologetically raw energy of Québec's vibrant hardcore scene. This playlist captures the essence of a genre that thrives on aggression and authenticity, featuring tracks that range from the relentless drive of SCARAMANGA HC's "Nothing Changed" to the crushing riffs in DESECRATE's "Parasite". Get ready for aggressive soundscapes and raw vocal intensity with tracks like "Knifework" by Deathnap and "Black & Blue" by Total Waste that are sure to send listeners into a frenzy.

The playlist is a deep dive into the regional hardcore flavor, showcasing collaborations that amplify the intensity, such as Scarfold and Guilt Trip's explosive "Spinecrusher". Evoking the spirit of resistance and rebellion, tracks like "Punk Motherfucker" by Category 514 and "Crumbs" by DON’T TRY (featuring Andrew Neufeld) reflect a gritty and unyielding musical landscape. Whether it's the pummeling rhythm of "Blood River" by Primal Horde or the climactic force of "Dominant Predation" by Get The Shot and Paleface Swiss, this playlist offers a visceral journey through the loud and defiant world of Québec hardcore.

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.norescue. 1 track
APES 2 tracks
Andrew Neufeld 1 track
Becoming The Bully 2 tracks
Braindown 2 tracks
Béton Armé 2 tracks
C.i.D.B. 2 tracks
Category 514 3 tracks
Cloned Apparition 2 tracks
Cold Authority 4 tracks
Conditions Apply 1 track
DESECRATE 2 tracks
DON’T TRY 3 tracks
Deadwood 2 tracks
Deathnap 4 tracks
Desolated 1 track
Destroy The Machine 2 tracks
Dumbass 1 track
Excess MTL 3 tracks
Faze 2 tracks
Final Word 2 tracks
Force Majeure 1 track
Get The Shot 3 tracks
Guerre 2 tracks
Guilt Trip 1 track
Gutser 1 track
Harriers 3 tracks
Hungry As a Bear 1 track
Instep 1 track
JARRD 1 track
Jayden Panesso 1 track
Just Ice 2 tracks
Kennedynoise 2 tracks
KingCold 1 track
Kraanium 1 track
Louvre 1 track
Malevolence 1 track
Méfait 1 track
Northwalk 3 tracks
Offside 3 tracks
Paleface Swiss 1 track
Peer Pressure 3 tracks
Plus Minus MTL 3 tracks
Primal Horde 3 tracks
Prowl 3 tracks
Puffer 2 tracks
Ratpiss 2 tracks
SHUT AWAY 3 tracks
Saviors 1 track
Scare 1 track
Scarfold 3 tracks
Scorching Tomb 3 tracks
Set in Stone 2 tracks
Soulthief 3 tracks
Sudden Waves 2 tracks
Thrush 1 track
Total Waste 3 tracks
Wrvith 1 track
no hope x mankind 2 tracks