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The Sound of Touken Ranbu

The playlist "The Sound of Touken Ranbu" offers a diverse blend of tracks that capture the essence of the popular "Touken Ranbu" musical universe. Featuring songs like "情熱のSymphonia" and "静寂の闘志," it showcases the dynamic performances of 刀剣男士, highlighting intricate vocals and sweeping symphonic arrangements. From the passionate "約束の空" to the soothing melodies of "夜明けの空," the playlist weaves together an atmosphere that fans of the franchise will find enchanting and familiar.

The selections also include instrumental tracks such as "mirrors" by Soma Saito and "花丸◎日和!" which blend seamlessly with vocal performances to create a rich auditory experience. Each song invites listeners to immerse themselves in the historical and fantastical backdrop of "Touken Ranbu," offering both an energetic and contemplative journey through this captivating world. Whether you're a long-time fan or new to the series, this playlist is a celebration of the vibrant music that defines the "Touken Ranbu" stage shows and beyond.

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Kalafina 2 tracks
Kenji Kawai 2 tracks
Soma Saito 3 tracks
Tsubasa Sakiyama 3 tracks
にっかり青江(CV:間島淳司) 2 tracks
へし切長谷部(CV:新垣樽助) 2 tracks
ソハヤノツルキ(CV:浅利遼太) 2 tracks
ミュージカル『刀剣乱舞』 刀剣男士 26 tracks
一期一振(CV:田丸篤志) 4 tracks
三日月宗近(CV:鳥海浩輔) 1 track
中島 登 1 track
乱藤四郎(CV:山本和臣) 3 tracks
亀甲貞宗(CV:山中真尋) 2 tracks
五虎退(CV:粕谷雄太) 3 tracks
今剣(CV:山下大輝) 2 tracks
信濃藤四郎(CV:小林裕介) 1 track
刀剣乱舞-花丸- 32 tracks
刀剣男士 formation of つはもの 3 tracks
刀剣男士 formation of 三百年 3 tracks
刀剣男士 formation of 葵咲 3 tracks
刀剣男士 team三条 3 tracks
刀剣男士 team新撰組 3 tracks
刀剣男士 加州清光 3 tracks
刀剣男士 髭切膝丸 3 tracks
前田藤四郎(CV:入江玲於奈) 3 tracks
加州清光 3 tracks
加州清光(CV:増田俊樹) 5 tracks
包丁藤四郎(CV:宮田幸季) 1 track
北谷菜切(CV:仲村宗悟) 1 track
千代金丸(CV:新垣樽助) 1 track
千子村正(CV:諏訪部順一) 2 tracks
南泉一文字(CV:河西健吾) 1 track
南海太郎朝尊(CV:野島健児) 2 tracks
博多藤四郎(CV:大須賀純) 3 tracks
厚藤四郎(CV:山下大輝) 3 tracks
和泉守兼定 1 track
和泉守兼定(CV:木村良平) 2 tracks
土方歳三 1 track
堀川国広 1 track
堀川国広(CV:榎木淳弥) 2 tracks
大倶利伽羅(CV:古川慎) 1 track
大典太光世(CV:浪川大輔) 2 tracks
大和守安定(CV:市来光弘) 3 tracks
大般若長光(CV:三木眞一郎) 1 track
太郎太刀(CV:泰勇気) 1 track
太鼓鐘貞宗(CV:髙橋孝治) 1 track
宗三左文字(CV:泰勇気) 4 tracks
小夜左文字(CV:村瀬歩) 2 tracks
小烏丸(CV:保志総一朗) 1 track
小竜景光(CV:立花慎之介) 1 track
小豆長光(CV:川原慶久) 1 track
山伏国広(CV:櫻井トオル) 1 track
山姥切国広(CV:前野智昭) 2 tracks
山姥切長義(CV:高梨謙吾) 1 track
山鳥毛(CV:井上和彦) 1 track
岩融(CV:宮下栄治) 2 tracks
島田 魁 1 track
巴形薙刀(CV:野島裕史) 1 track
平野藤四郎(CV:浅利遼太) 3 tracks
幽霊退治戦隊 2 tracks
後藤藤四郎(CV:村田太志) 1 track
御手杵(CV:浜田賢二) 1 track
愛染国俊(CV:山下誠一郎) 2 tracks
日向正宗(CV:梶 裕貴) 1 track
明石国行(CV:浅利遼太) 2 tracks
松井江(CV:土岐隼一) 1 track
板垣奏太郎 2 tracks
桑名江(CV:伊東健人) 1 track
桜men 1 track
榎本武揚 2 tracks
次郎太刀(CV:宮下栄治) 1 track
歌仙兼定(CV:石川界人) 2 tracks
毛利藤四郎(CV:高城元気) 1 track
水心子正秀(CV:阿部 敦) 1 track
江雪左文字(CV:佐藤拓也) 2 tracks
浦島虎徹(CV:福島潤) 1 track
源清麿(CV:赤羽根健治) 1 track
燭台切光忠(CV:佐藤拓也) 2 tracks
獅子王(CV:逢坂良太) 1 track
白山吉光(CV:下野 紘) 1 track
瞽女 from ミュージカル『刀剣乱舞』 髭切膝丸 双騎出陣2019 3 tracks
祢々切丸(CV:松田健一郎) 1 track
秋田藤四郎(CV:山谷祥生) 3 tracks
篭手切江(CV:広瀬裕也) 1 track
肥前忠広(CV:小松昌平) 2 tracks
膝丸(CV:岡本信彦) 1 track
薬研藤四郎(CV:山下誠一郎) 5 tracks
蛍丸(CV:井口祐一) 2 tracks
蜂須賀虎徹 3 tracks
蜂須賀虎徹(CV:興津和幸) 3 tracks
蜻蛉切 1 track
謙信景光(CV:代永 翼) 1 track
豊前江(CV:八代 拓) 1 track
遠藤浩二 2 tracks
長曽祢虎徹(CV:新垣樽助) 1 track
陸奥守吉行(CV:濱健人) 3 tracks
静形薙刀(CV:阿座上洋平) 1 track
骨喰藤四郎(CV:鈴木裕斗) 4 tracks
髭切(CV:花江夏樹) 1 track
鬼丸国綱(CV:森川智之) 1 track
鯰尾藤四郎(CV:斉藤壮馬) 4 tracks
鶴丸国永(CV:斉藤壮馬) 1 track