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The Sound of Seemannslieder

Set sail on a musical voyage with *The Sound of Seemannslieder*, a playlist capturing the spirit of maritime traditions and seafaring life. Featuring shanties, homeland ballads, and folk classics, this collection includes songs like "Lieder, so schön wie der Norden" by Shanty Chor Frische Brise and "Hamborger Veermaster" by various shanty choirs, celebrating the connection between sailors and the sea. From the longing of "Junge, komm bald wieder" by Freddy Quinn to the lively call of "Nimm mich mit, Kapitän, auf die Reise," these tracks reflect the joys, hardships, and nostalgia of a life on the water.

With contributions from well-known shanty choirs and artists like Santiano, Lale Andersen, and the Original Marinechor Blaue Jungs aus Bremerhaven, this playlist offers a mix of traditional melodies and modern interpretations. Songs like "Wellerman" and "Roll the Old Chariot" bring familiar seafaring refrains, while "Gruß an Kiel" and "Gorch Fock, ahoi!" pay tribute to maritime heritage. Whether reminiscing about distant shores or simply enjoying the rhythms of the sea, this playlist is a fitting soundtrack for any maritime enthusiast.

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Acoustic Sound Orchestra 1 track
Addi Münster 1 track
Butjenter Blinkfüer 3 tracks
Chor und Orchester Paul Biste 1 track
Curd Jürgens 2 tracks
Der Große Hamburger Seemanns-Chor 1 track
Der Hamburger Shantie und Seemanschor 1 track
Der Husumer Shanty Chor feat. Anton Johannsen 3 tracks
Die Shantymen der Royal Yacht Academy 1 track
Die Süßwassermatrosen 1 track
Dr. Gerold Fuchs 2 tracks
Emder Shanty-Gruppe 2 tracks
Fiete Münzner 2 tracks
Freddy Quinn 3 tracks
Frische Brise 1 track
Gronauer Shanty-Chor 1 track
Hamburger Shanty Chor 3 tracks
Harburger Matrosenchor 1 track
Hedy Henning 2 tracks
Heidi Kabel 3 tracks
Husumer Shanty-Chor 2 tracks
Jups Schifferklavier Band 1 track
Kids 1 track
Kieler Shantychor 1 track
Lale Andersen 3 tracks
Lolita 1 track
Lolita 2 tracks
Lübecker Shanty Chor Möwenschiet 3 tracks
Lübecker Waterkant Chor Möwenschiet 3 tracks
Maria Kloth 2 tracks
Marinechor der Schwarzmeerflotte 2 tracks
Marinemusikkorps Ostsee 3 tracks
Martin Stöhr 3 tracks
Mr. Hurley & Die Pulveraffen 2 tracks
Nana Gualdi 2 tracks
Nathan Evans 1 track
Neustädter Shanty-Chor Bremen 3 tracks
Niebüller Shanty Chor 1 track
Norddeicher Shanty-Chor 2000 e.V. 1 track
Nürnberger Shanty-Chor der Wasserschutzpolizei e.V. 2 tracks
Original Marinechor Blaue Jungs aus Bremerhaven 3 tracks
Roland Trio 1 track
Rostocker Shanty Chor Luv un Lee 3 tracks
Santiano 3 tracks
Seemanns Chor AHOI 3 tracks
Seemannschor Erding 2 tracks
Seemannschor der Marineversorgungsschule Sylt 3 tracks
Seemannslider Und Shanties 1 track
Shanty Chor Cuxhaven 3 tracks
Shanty Chor Dorum 2 tracks
Shanty Chor Frische Brise 3 tracks
Shanty Chor MK Herford 2 tracks
Shanty Gruppe Breitling 3 tracks
Shanty-Chor Bünde 1 track
Shanty-Chor De Klaashahns Warnemünde 2 tracks
Shanty-Chor Leverkusen 3 tracks
Shanty-Chor Overledinger Jungs Collinghorst 2 tracks
Shanty-Chor Windrose Hamburg 1 track
Shanty-Chor der Marinekameradschaft Bocholt 1904 e.V. 2 tracks
Shanty-Chor der Marinekameradschaft Teddy Suhren Zweibrücken 3 tracks
Shantychor Baltrum 3 tracks
Shantychor Ellunder Nordlichter 3 tracks
Shantychor Eschersheim 2 tracks
Shantychor der Insel Baltrum 2 tracks
Shantychor der Polizei 3 tracks
Shantykoor "De Sheepsjoagers" Muntendam 2 tracks
Shantykoor 'Albatros' 2 tracks
Shantykoor De IJsselmannen 2 tracks
Sven Jenssen 1 track
Sylter Shanty Chor 3 tracks
The Singing Sailors 1 track
Thomas Pohle 2 tracks
Tom und Tommy 1 track