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The Sound of Hip-Hop Expérimental

"The Sound of Hip-Hop Expérimental" playlist is a journey through the fringes of hip-hop, blending diverse styles and unique sounds. It kicks off with tracks like "Hush Little Bay" by Al'Tarba and Bianca Casady and "Greeky" by Roger Molls, setting the tone with their atmospheric and mysterious vibes. As you progress, you'll encounter the jazzy flow of "Goodbye" by Scratch Bandits Crew and the rich textures of "Favelas" by Degiheugi and Zackarose, which draw you deeper into an experimental soundscape.

The playlist showcases a range of inventive beats and collaborations, featuring eclectic tunes like "Morning Girl" by Tour De Manège and Degiheugi, and "Moz'Art District" by Art District. Exploring elements of trip-hop and abstract beats, tracks like "You're Fine - Ours Samplus Remix" and "Blue Bird" provide smooth yet intricate layers. Whether it's the playful yet deep "Pet Sound" by Puppetmastaz or the introspective rhythms of "Elusive Delusive" by Asagaya and Lorine Cha, each selection brings a unique twist to hip-hop, inviting listeners to explore and maybe even rethink the genre's boundaries.

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ASM 2 tracks
Afrodyete 1 track
Al'Tarba 3 tracks
Alice Russell 1 track
Aloe Blacc 1 track
Anna Kova 1 track
Art Aknid 1 track
Art District 2 tracks
Asagaya 3 tracks
Astrid Engberg 2 tracks
Atamone 1 track
Baja Frequencia 1 track
Beat Assailant 2 tracks
Beat Torrent 2 tracks
Berry Weight 2 tracks
Bianca Casady 1 track
Boztown 3 tracks
Bumcello 2 tracks
Cecil Felix 1 track
Cesária Evora 1 track
Charlotte Savary 1 track
Cheeko 1 track
Chill Bump 1 track
Chinese Man 3 tracks
Chlorine Free 1 track
Clelia Vega 1 track
CocoRosie 1 track
Cyesm 1 track
D'clik 1 track
DJ CERK 2 tracks
DJ Illvibe 1 track
DJ Meloman 1 track
DJ Netik 1 track
Davojah 1 track
Dee La Kream 1 track
Degiheugi 4 tracks
Depth Affect 1 track
Dj KIRSA 1 track
Doctor Flake 3 tracks
Dooz Kawa 1 track
F.Stokes 1 track
Fatbabs 2 tracks
Floème 1 track
Fmr2mars 3 tracks
Francis 1 track
Frizzy P & Mr Cole 1 track
Gabe 'Nandez 1 track
Gasoline 2 tracks
Ghostown 3 tracks
GooMar 3 tracks
GrandHuit 1 track
GrandHuit 4 tracks
GuiB 2 tracks
Hippocampe Fou 1 track
Hocus Pocus 2 tracks
Hugo Kant 3 tracks
Igorrr 1 track
Interlope 1 track
JIM 4 tracks
Jahneration 1 track
James Cole Pablo 2 tracks
Jay Prince 1 track
Jean du Voyage 1 track
Keizan 3 tracks
Kenyon 1 track
L'Entourloop 1 track
L'Oeuf Raide 1 track
La Cantina 7 tracks
Liléa Narrative 3 tracks
Lorine Cha 1 track
Lowle LC 1 track
MF DOOM 1 track
Madpressure 2 tracks
Magik Malik 1 track
Mardjenal 1 track
Marissa Knight 1 track
Millennium Jazz Music 2 tracks
Miscellaneous 2 tracks
Mister Modo 3 tracks
Mister Modo & Ugly Mac Beer 2 tracks
Naâman 2 tracks
Néo 1 track
Ours Samplus 5 tracks
Ptates 1 track
Puppetmastaz 3 tracks
Racecar 1 track
Reverse Engineering 1 track
Rob Steez 1 track
Robert Le Magnifique 1 track
Roger Molls 3 tracks
Roseaux 1 track
Roudoudou 2 tracks
S.Mos 2 tracks
Sadat X 1 track
Saligo 1 track
Saligo 2 tracks
Scarecrow 2 tracks
Scars 1 track
Scratch Bandits Crew 4 tracks
Senbeï 4 tracks
Shitao 1 track
Sixfingerz 2 tracks
Skarra Mucci 1 track
Slivanoë 2 tracks
Smokedbeat 1 track
Soon E Mc 1 track
Soweto Kinch 1 track
Spectateur 4 tracks
State of Mind 1 track
The Architect 3 tracks
The Waxidermist 2 tracks
Tour De Manège 19 tracks
Travelling Day 2 tracks
UHT 1 track
UHT° 1 track
Ugly Mac Beer 3 tracks
Volodia 1 track
Wasaru 1 track
Wax Tailor 3 tracks
X Makeena 1 track
Zackarose 3 tracks
Öster 3 tracks