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The Sound of Gundam

"The Sound of Gundam" playlist serves as a tribute to the dynamic world of Gundam, collecting iconic tracks from various series that have shaped this legendary universe. Dive into evocative songs like "水の星へ愛をこめて" by Hiroko Moriguchi, embracing the timeless allure of the franchise. Feel the energy and spirit of battle in tracks like "サイレント・ヴォイス" by ひろえ純 and "哀 戦士" by Daisuke Inoue, highlighting the courage and drama that Gundam is famous for.

Spread across generations, the playlist includes stirring melodies like "MEN OF DESTINY" by MIO and "WINNERS FOREVER ~勝利者よ~" by infix, which capture both the struggles and triumphs essential to the Gundam saga. Whether it's the soaring energy in "FLYING IN THE SKY" by Yoshifumi Ushima or the contemplative tones of "Fields of hope" by ラクス・クライン, these tracks echo the vastness of space and the complexities of human emotion. Perfect for both long-time fans and newcomers, this playlist encapsulates the soundtracks that have accompanied piloting some of the most memorable mobile suits in anime history.

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CHINO 3 tracks
Daisuke Inoue 3 tracks
Dave Danford 1 track
Hideki Saijo 2 tracks
Hiroko Moriguchi 3 tracks
Jacob Wheeler 2 tracks
Junior 1 track
KAmiYU 1 track
MIO 3 tracks
MJ 1 track
Megumi Ohashi 3 tracks
Megumi Shiina 2 tracks
Mika Arisaka 3 tracks
Mille Face 2 tracks
RAY-GUNS 1 track
Risa Yuki 1 track
Romantic Mode 2 tracks
See-Saw 3 tracks
Shoichiro Hirata 1 track
StylipS 2 tracks
Taja 3 tracks
Tomohisa Kawazoe 1 track
Yoshifumi Ushima 3 tracks
infix 2 tracks
karak 1 track
lisa 2 tracks
re-kiss 1 track
yu-yu 1 track
かしぶち哲郎 2 tracks
ひろえ純 2 tracks
キララ(CV:悠木碧) 1 track
ハセガワダイスケ 2 tracks
フィーリング・フリー 1 track
マリナ・イスマイールと子ども達 1 track
ミュージッククリエイション 1 track
ミーア・キャンベル(田中理恵) 2 tracks
ラクス・クライン(田中理恵) 3 tracks
三木眞一郎 come across ロックオン・ストラトス 1 track
中村悠一 come across グラハム・エーカー 2 tracks
中瀬聡美 1 track
井上優弥子 1 track
入野自由 come across 沙慈・クロスロード 1 track
吉野裕行 come across アレルヤ・ハプティズム 1 track
和田るみ子 2 tracks
堀光一路 2 tracks
大塚宗一郎 1 track
大山修司 1 track
大石ルミ 1 track
天野由梨 1 track
宮野真守 come across 刹那・F・セイエイ 2 tracks
小峰公子 1 track
岩崎元是 1 track
川添智久 1 track
彩 恵津子 1 track
戸田恵子 2 tracks
新井正人 1 track
服部隆之 Presents GUNDAM THE ORIGIN 1 track
東野純直 1 track
柿島伸次 1 track
根岸さとり 1 track
桑島法子 1 track
樋口康雄 2 tracks
武市昌久 2 tracks
池田鴻 1 track
神谷浩史 come across ティエリア・アーデ 1 track
萩田光男 3 tracks
門倉聡 3 tracks
高垣彩陽 come across フェルト・グレイス 1 track
黒田由美 1 track