"The Sound of Tsukiuta" playlist is a harmonious journey through the vibrant world of Tsukiuta, featuring an array of star-studded tracks performed by beloved characters. Dive into the melodies of "ハジマリノハル" and "恋忘れ草" by the iconic duo of 弥生 春 and 睦月 始, seamlessly blending heartfelt lyrics with captivating sounds. Embrace the dynamic energy of 師走 駆 and 如月 恋 in tracks like "だってまだまだアバンタイトル" and "イノセンシア," which highlight their playful chemistry and infectious enthusiasm.
Listeners will be enchanted by 神無月 郁 and 水無月 涙's tender harmonies in the uplifting "Sing Together Forever" and "Childish flower." Each track brings fresh soundscapes, from the introspective "NEXT STAGE" by 神無月 郁 to the nostalgic "Duty" by 水無月 涙. Complete your experience with the unique flavor of tracks like "ウグイス・コード -春告鳥の歌" and the spirited "stella〜きんぴか上昇気分〜." Whether you're a dedicated fan or new to Tsukiuta's charm, this playlist offers a perfect mix of songs for any mood.
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