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The Sound of Cristiana Para Niños

"The Sound of Cristiana Para Niños" is a delightful collection of vibrant and educational tracks designed to nurture the faith and imagination of young listeners. This playlist brings together an enchanting mix of biblical story retellings, joyful praise, and catchy upbeat melodies that spark learning and reverence. Songs like "La Arca De Noe" by Nancy Ruiz and "David y Goliat" by Alaba Kids weave captivating narratives from scripture, fostering an early love for Bible stories in children's hearts.

Intermixed with these tales are inspirational tunes like "Yo Te Alabo de Corazón" by Coro Alegría and "En Paz Me Acostaré" by Lindy and Friends, offering moments of joyous worship and peaceful reflection. Tracks such as "Adentro Afuera Arriba Abajo" by Ebdv and "Izquierda y Derecha" by Mariela Lopez Sifuentes invite kids to move and groove to fun, interactive rhythms while learning about their faith. This playlist provides a rich and engaging soundtrack for growing young Christians, filled with meaningful and delightful songs that will keep them both entertained and inspired.

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Adora Kids 3 tracks
Adventistas Kids 3 tracks
Alaba Kids 2 tracks
Alabanzas de Amor 1 track
Aliento Kids 1 track
Amy & Andy 4 tracks
Anabel Vitrano 2 tracks
Armando Flores 2 tracks
Ayi y Sus Amigos 1 track
Ben en Belén 1 track
Bethel Kids Musicales 2 tracks
Bichos Freak 1 track
Biper Y Sus Amigos 2 tracks
Canta Kids 1 track
Canta Y Rie 3 tracks
Canticuentos 1 track
Club Peregrinitos 2 tracks
Consagrados a Jesús 3 tracks
Coro Alegria 3 tracks
Coro Amor por Cristo 3 tracks
Coro Infantil Cristiano 3 tracks
Coro Infantil de la Iglesia Mi Luz 3 tracks
Coro Juvenil a Ti Señor 1 track
Coro de Primaria del Campus Adventista de Sagunto 1 track
Coros Cristianos 1 track
Cánticos IPR 2 tracks
Daniel Donoso 2 tracks
Daniel Lüdtke 1 track
Defra 2 tracks
Ebdv 3 tracks
Editorial Concordia 3 tracks
En Esto Creemos 2 tracks
Equipo De Lagalina 1 track
Francisco Orantes 1 track
G316 1 track
Gen_Xa 2 tracks
Generación 12 Kids 2 tracks
Genesis Ochoa 2 tracks
Godfy 3 tracks
Gran Comisión en Tierra Buena 1 track
Iglesia Visión de Futuro 1 track
In Christ Kids 3 tracks
Ingrid Bel 1 track
Jesus Squad 2 tracks
Juana 1 track
La Patrulla del Rey 3 tracks
Lindy and Friends 2 tracks
Los Pipos 1 track
Manuel Bonilla 1 track
Marco Barrientos 1 track
Mariela Lopez Sifuentes 2 tracks
Marla Lüdtke 1 track
María Juliana 1 track
Melany Orellana 2 tracks
Mi Casa Feliz 2 tracks
Mi Vida Es Un Viaje 1 track
Miel San Marcos Kids 2 tracks
Miss Tani 3 tracks
Música Cristiana Para Niños de TraxLab 1 track
Nancy Ruiz 3 tracks
Niños Adorando 3 tracks
Niños Cantores 3 tracks
Niños Cantores Verbo Divino 3 tracks
Papel Maché Kids 3 tracks
Pequeños Héroes 2 tracks
Planet Kids 3 tracks
Play Kids 3 tracks
Profe Martin 2 tracks
Proyecto JES Niños 2 tracks
Removidos 2 tracks
Rey de Reyes Kids 3 tracks
SDF Kids 2 tracks
Sagunto Campus Kids 1 track
Sharon 1 track
Tia Edith 2 tracks
Trigo Santo 3 tracks
Valivan 2 tracks
Vaquero Vázquez 2 tracks
Xtreme Kids 1 track
¡Canta, Maestra! 1 track