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The Sound of German Literature

Dive into the rich auditory tapestry of "The Sound of German Literature," a playlist that promises to take listeners on a fascinating journey through the corridors of German literary history. This collection stitches together the words of iconic German writers like Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Friedrich Schiller, and Franz Kafka. With selections from works like "Der Zauberlehrling" and "Das erste Kapitel" to philosophical musings from Immanuel Kant's "Die Kritik der reinen Vernunft," this playlist offers a unique way to experience these classic narratives. From the romantic verses of Heinrich Heine to the profound reflections of Rainer Maria Rilke, each track brings the magnitude of German literary heritage to life with compelling recitations. Perfect for literature enthusiasts or anyone curious about the timeless world of German letters.

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Playlist Artists Spotify Logo
Achim von Arnim 2 tracks
Adelbert von Chamisso 2 tracks
Aleksandar Radenkovic 2 tracks
Alexander Puschkin 2 tracks
Andreas Keller 2 tracks
Anna Thalbach 1 track
Annette Von Droste-Hulshoff 3 tracks
Arthur Schopenhauer 3 tracks
Audio Media Digital Hörbücher 11 tracks
Bela B. Felsenheimer 1 track
Bettina Riebesel 2 tracks
Bettina von Arnim 2 tracks
Boris Aljinovic 1 track
Brigitte Trübenbach 3 tracks
Carolin Conrad 2 tracks
Catherine Flemming 1 track
Christoph Maria Herbst 2 tracks
Christoph Martin Wieland 2 tracks
Conrad Ferdinand Meyer 2 tracks
Daniel Kehlmann 1 track
Dieter Jaßlauk 2 tracks
Edgar Selge 1 track
Elke Heidenreich 3 tracks
Ensemble des Bayerischen Staatsschauspieles 1 track
Erich Fried 2 tracks
Ernst Moritz Arndt 2 tracks
Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann 3 tracks
Frank Arnold 2 tracks
Franz Kafka 5 tracks
Franz Robert Ceeh 3 tracks
Franziska Walser 1 track
Friedrich De La Motte Fouqué 2 tracks
Friedrich Hebbel 2 tracks
Friedrich Hölderlin 3 tracks
Friedrich Nietzsche 3 tracks
Friedrich Schiller 6 tracks
Fyodor Dostoevsky 1 track
Gerhart Hauptmann 2 tracks
Giovanni Boccaccio 2 tracks
Gottfried August Bürger 1 track
Gotthold Ephraim Lessing 2 tracks
Gustav Schwab 1 track
Hans Fallada 2 tracks
Heinrich Heine 5 tracks
Heinrich von Kleist 2 tracks
Hermann Hesse 3 tracks
Immanuel Kant 3 tracks
Jan Terstiege 1 track
Joachim Ringelnatz 3 tracks
Johann Peter Hebel 2 tracks
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 3 tracks
Johannes Steck 3 tracks
Joseph Freiherr von Eichendorff 3 tracks
Joseph von Eichendorff 3 tracks
Jörg Dathe 2 tracks
Jürgen Fritsche 4 tracks
Karlheinz Gabor 8 tracks
Katharina Thalbach 3 tracks
Kurt Tucholsky 3 tracks
Leopold Von Sacher-Masoch 1 track
Ludwig Thoma 1 track
Ludwig Tieck 1 track
Manfred Zapatka 2 tracks
Marlies Wenzel 1 track
Marlène Duncker 2 tracks
Matthias Walter 2 tracks
Nadja Berlinghoff 3 tracks
Rainer Maria Rilke 3 tracks
Rebekka Damjani 1 track
Reclam Hörbücher 1 track
Sabine Falkenberg 1 track
Stefan Zweig 2 tracks
Sven Görtz 2 tracks
Sven Regener 1 track
Theodor Fontane 7 tracks
Theodor Mommsen 1 track
Thomas Mann 1 track
Till Wonka 2 tracks
Torben Kessler 2 tracks
Ulrich Matthes 4 tracks
Ulrich Noethen 1 track