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The Sound of Semarang Indie

"The Sound of Semarang Indie" is a sonic journey through the thriving and diverse indie music scene in Semarang, Indonesia. This playlist offers an eclectic mix of tracks that range from the contemplative "Asmalibrasi" by Soegi Bornean to the upbeat and melodic "Tunggu Aku" by Good Morning Everyone. It explores various moods and styles, featuring the serene "Camomile Dream" by Rrefal and Inis, the gritty "Bad Mantra" by Olly Oxen, and the introspective "Lesap" by Maloree.

Listeners can dive into vibrant anthems like "Sembunyi" by Chicken Bowl or groove to the intoxicating rhythms of "Suburban Love" by Lipstik Lipsing. With "Keluarga Babi" by Pyong Pyong and "Solicїde" by Rotér, the playlist boasts tracks that are both bold and innovative. From the poignant storytelling of "Pandora's Eyes" by Something About Lola to the dynamic "Ritus Lebur" by RAKARMA, this collection showcases the unique artistry and dynamic soundscapes emerging from Semarang's indie scene. Whether you're a longtime enthusiast or new to these musical currents, this playlist offers a rich auditory experience reflecting the pulse of Semarang's creative hub.

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AB Raharja 1 track
Abbey 3 tracks
AbsurdNation 2 tracks
Adam Suraja 1 track
Adi Sw 1 track
Afat 3K 2 tracks
Aftertwenty 1 track
Agenda Pesta Dansa 2 tracks
Ak47 2 tracks
Aknostra 2 tracks
Alexpamss 1 track
Alien Ass 2 tracks
Aljabar 2 tracks
Alrisk 2 tracks
Ambulance Panic Voice 2 tracks
Audindra 1 track
Bad Preacher 2 tracks
BeverlyLine 2 tracks
Bigtrutha 1 track
Bima Satria 1 track
Bimasakti. 1 track
Biorre 1 track
Black Coffee Monologue 1 track
Chicken Bowl 2 tracks
Chip Artristan 1 track
Cosmicburp 5 tracks
D'absolute 1 track
DIMIE 1 track
Dany Dwia 1 track
Daya Ledak 2 tracks
Dendi Nata 4 tracks
Devia Figura Renata 1 track
Dewan Pergoyangan Rakyat 1 track
Dial H 1 track
Dialektika 1 track
Diovan Risqdany 1 track
Dipareynardi 4 tracks
Distorsi Akustik 2 tracks
Draf Tugas Akhir 2 tracks
Dranken Monster 2 tracks
Dzulfahmi 1 track
ELAN 1 track
Electrical Address 2 tracks
Endings Night 2 tracks
Endivva 2 tracks
EndrumarcH 1 track
Fanny Soegi 1 track
Fanny Soegi Bornean 2 tracks
Fantasi Kamar Sepi 1 track
Femm Chem 2 tracks
Figura Renata 2 tracks
Foolish Commander 3 tracks
Foxy Roxy 2 tracks
Gerri Jiwo Prakoso 1 track
Glasstrick 1 track
Good Morning Everyone 2 tracks
GreenBeans 2 tracks
Grisness Culture 2 tracks
HILLS. 2 tracks
Hanif & Danti 1 track
Hendra Kumbara 4 tracks
Hersandi 1 track
Horsemates 1 track
Hypotenusa 2 tracks
Indra & Brothers 1 track
Infuturo 1 track
Inis 1 track
Iyeng Veda 1 track
Jikalo 1 track
Jimmy 1 track
Johnny Goodboy 2 tracks
Kanina 5 tracks
Kesit Agung Wijanarko 1 track
Kulikoffa 1 track
Lembayung Group 1 track
Lemon Slice 1 track
Lipstik Lipsing 2 tracks
Luciole 1 track
Luseta 1 track
Mad Elephant 2 tracks
Mad Roses 1 track
Mahranazih 2 tracks
Malik Ros 2 tracks
Maloree 2 tracks
Mandoors 2 tracks
Many West 2 tracks
Maosko 2 tracks
Melody Vadya 1 track
Mere Nauval 1 track
Moe Hummid 5 tracks
Nasida Ria 2 tracks
Naufalbahir 2 tracks
New Face New Wave 1 track
No Use D'name 1 track
OK Karaoke 2 tracks
Offside Mouth 1 track
Old Deer 1 track
Olly Oxen 2 tracks
Pelipurlara 1 track
Pyong Pyong 2 tracks
RA. Bersinar 2 tracks
RAKARMA 2 tracks
RUMI 1 track
Raden Kresno 1 track
Rahmanika 1 track
Raka Ardian 2 tracks
Redam 2 tracks
Rendy O 1 track
Rotér 2 tracks
Rrefal 2 tracks
Rubberheat 1 track
Rully Sianipar 1 track
Sadam Akhmad 1 track
Sade Susanto 4 tracks
Sandy Petiz 2 tracks
Sang Malam 1 track
Santikarisma 2 tracks
Saturn Return 1 track
Screaming School 2 tracks
Sela Good 2 tracks
Senggol Tromol 2 tracks
Serempet Gudal 2 tracks
Sigit Mei 1 track
Socialist 1 track
Soegi Bornean 2 tracks
Something About Lola 2 tracks
Soni Irawan 1 track
Soyy 1 track
Spacerider 1 track
Sugar Bitter 2 tracks
Svakapvsara 1 track
TISA 1 track
Tamara Highway 1 track
Tanpa Nada 2 tracks
Tessa 2 tracks
The Dosomuko 2 tracks
The Salted 1 track
Tiad Hilm 6 tracks
Tommy Hermawan 1 track
Tropicalgaze 1 track
Tuantigabelas 1 track
Tugumuda Country 1 track
Udin Larahan 3 tracks
Unless 2 tracks
Vajra 1 track
Vice Versa 2 tracks
Viko 1 track
WOL 2 tracks
Wakijo Lan Sedulur 1 track
Weekenders Agogo 1 track
Wrong Way 2 tracks
Yellow Jet Club 2 tracks
Yoga Jomes 1 track
dimas sadewa 2 tracks
paleharbor 1 track