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The Sound of Tibetan Hip Hop

"The Sound of Tibetan Hip Hop" playlist is your gateway to the unique sonic fusion where traditional Tibetan influences meet contemporary hip-hop beats. Dive into tracks like "Pa Da Ma" by Ngale and Sangpoispo and "CHARPA" by Kunx Choppa and 8sian for a fresh take on global hip hop. From "Ama Lolo" by Bhoeja to "Tsewa Mashi Meh" by Tenkun, each track showcases a different facet of Tibetan artistry fused with modern rhythms. Discover the growing scene with hits like "GIMME LOVE" by Tnammy and Sangpoispo, and "Lhasa" by Shapaley that paint a vivid auditory canvas of the cultural and musical diversity rooted in this region.

Each song brings its own flavor, making it easy to lose yourself in tracks like "Ghawa Dhone Dho" by K.Kush and "Autumn leaves" by Gtashi and Kusang kush. Let the playlist guide you through the layered landscape of Tibetan hip hop with artists like Youns BoB sharing introspective vibes on "Regret" and fierce energy in "Sung Dha Le Mo x Drill" by Youns BoB and Teddy G. Whether you’re exploring "Freedom drill" by Gtashi and Kusang kush or the traditional twist in "Made In Tibet" by Shapaley, this playlist offers a deep dive into a diverse musical journey you won’t want to miss.

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8sian 5 tracks
ASTRO 1 track
Astro 2 tracks
BNZA 2 tracks
Bhoeja 3 tracks
Buttertea 3 tracks
Chimewang 2 tracks
Chonzy 1 track
Da Guest 2 tracks
Don·Jessie 1 track
Gtashi 3 tracks
Gtashi 4 tracks
K.Kush 4 tracks
KaceMan 1 track
Kunga Chemi 1 track
Kunga Chemi 1 track
Kunsa & Palden 4 tracks
Kunx Choppa 6 tracks
Kusang kush 3 tracks
Lil Wangchuk 2 tracks
MOMO 2 tracks
Maverik 1 track
Mc Tenzin 1 track
Ngale 8 tracks
Oceansun Records 2 tracks
Odea. 2 tracks
Onepuff 2 tracks
Paharigoat 2 tracks
Real Yeezi 2 tracks
Romeo 2 tracks
Romeo Doje 1 track
SHARPS 1 track
Samphell 1 track
Sangpoispo 9 tracks
Sayn solo 3 tracks
Seungyi 1 track
Shapaley 2 tracks
Sonam Londen 1 track
T Dawg 101 1 track
Teddy G 3 tracks
TenLhaTse 1 track
Tenkun 3 tracks
Tenzysd 1 track
Thinle 2 tracks
Tnammy 9 tracks
Tsevibes 1 track
Yl kunqa 3 tracks
Ynki 2 tracks
Youns BoB 3 tracks
Younsbob 1 track
dj toph 3 tracks
kunx choppa 3 tracks
tedd kyap 2 tracks
upSKIESSS 1 track
young lama 2 tracks