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The Sound of Russian Black Metal

"The Sound of Russian Black Metal" offers an immersive journey through the underworld of Russia's black metal scene. This playlist weaves together atmospheric tracks like Grima's "Enisey" and Elderwind's "The Magic of Nature," capturing the raw beauty and mysticism of wilderness. Deeply introspective pieces like Wintercult's "Frozen in Melancholy" and Malist's "Ode to the Night" invite listeners to explore the emotional complexity and haunting solitude characteristic of the genre.

The intensity ramps up with tracks like Pseudogod's "Vehement Decimation" and Bloodrain's "Under the Lucifer's Star," which showcase the darker and more ferocious side of Russian black metal. The haunting echoes of Annorkoth’s "You're My Only Dream" and the chilling textures of Olhava's "Smoldering Woodland" serve as a testament to the diversity found in this musical realm. With contributions from a wide array of artists, this playlist provides a diverse snapshot of the sounds and influences shaping Russian black metal today.

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APRS 1 track
Aeons ov Frost 2 tracks
All The Cold 2 tracks
Ammanas 2 tracks
And End... 1 track
Annorkoth 3 tracks
Apokefale 1 track
Arcane Grail 1 track
Arcanorum Astrum 2 tracks
Arktotus 1 track
Astarium 1 track
Atra Mustum 2 tracks
Begerith 1 track
Bizarrekult 2 tracks
Bloodrain 3 tracks
Book of Sorrow 1 track
Breath Of Wind 2 tracks
Brudywr 1 track
Deathmoor 2 tracks
Depicting Abysm 1 track
Devilgroth 2 tracks
Edoma 2 tracks
Eisflammen 3 tracks
Elderwind 3 tracks
Emptiness Soul 2 tracks
Eoront 3 tracks
Forest Stream 2 tracks
Gigrøma 3 tracks
Gorech 3 tracks
Grima 3 tracks
Grimorium Verum 1 track
HYMNR 1 track
Hovert 3 tracks
Hvøsch 2 tracks
In Tenebriz 1 track
Khaos Labyrinth 2 tracks
Krahnholm 3 tracks
Liveride 1 track
Malist 3 tracks
Maria of Copper Mountains 1 track
Misanthropic Art 1 track
Moongates Guardian 3 tracks
Morodh 2 tracks
Noctivagant 2 tracks
Nordgeist 2 tracks
North Black 1 track
Nox Doloris 2 tracks
Old Wainds 2 tracks
Olhava 3 tracks
Olshanoe 3 tracks
Ortha 1 track
Ospa 1959 1 track
Pseudogod 2 tracks
Razörschrieck 2 tracks
Renunciation 2 tracks
Sivyj Yar 1 track
Skogyr 2 tracks
Skylord 2 tracks
Spell of Dark 3 tracks
Stielas Storhett 2 tracks
Stigmatic Chorus 2 tracks
Storming Darkness 1 track
Theosophy 3 tracks
Todestriebe 3 tracks
Varhorn 1 track
Vintergata 1 track
Vspolokh 3 tracks
Vólan 3 tracks
Walknut 1 track
Welicoruss 1 track
Windbruch 2 tracks
Wintaar 1 track
Wintercult 3 tracks
Wowod 2 tracks
Амезарак 1 track
БѢСЪ 3 tracks
Висельник 3 tracks
Икотка 3 tracks
Мрамор 3 tracks
Ордалион 3 tracks
Потьма 3 tracks
Путь 3 tracks
воргашор 3 tracks
культура курения 3 tracks