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The Sound of Türkçe Slow Şarkılar

Experience the heartfelt world of Türkçe slow şarkılar with this curated collection that takes you on an emotional journey through love, introspection, and nostalgia. "The Sound of Türkçe Slow Şarkılar" brings together a diverse array of talented artists and their emotive tracks. Dive into the tender melodies of Furkan Olgaç's "Benim İklimim İncitmez Seni" and Hemsaye's soft-spoken "Fısıltı." Allow the gentle strums and poignant lyrics of Mavi Huydur Bende's "Yeri Geldi Kendimi Yaktım" to envelop your senses. Embrace the lyrical beauty found in Geceyi Kurtar's "Bulamam Seni" and Arda Bal's captivating "Bir Ömür."

This playlist captures the essence of Turkish slow songs, where each track unlocks a different chapter in the story of love and life's contemplative moments. From the haunting "Yansın" by Çağan Şengül and emre aydın to the introspective "Eski" by Tuna Türk, every song evokes a unique mood. Let the soothing harmonies of Kayıp Nesil's "Ellerim Saçlarında" and Emirhan Derindere's "Gözyaşlarım Ol" wash over you as you immerse yourself in this auditory escape. Whether you're reflecting on past relationships or simply enjoying the gentle sway of the melodies, this playlist is your perfect companion for a serene and heartfelt musical experience.

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Ahmet Yalçın 2 tracks
Ahmet Çaplı 1 track
Aksel 2 tracks
Aktör 2 tracks
Alperen Tıkır 1 track
Anse 1 track
Arda Bal 3 tracks
Ayça Özefe 3 tracks
Bekir Karahan 1 track
Berk Çalışan 1 track
Berkay Özcan 1 track
Beyza Doğuç 2 tracks
Bilge Nila 1 track
Bir Adım Geriden 3 tracks
Boramess 2 tracks
Burak Duman 2 tracks
Burak Kahraman 1 track
Can Koç 2 tracks
Can Oflaz 2 tracks
Canozan 1 track
Ceren Gündoğdu 3 tracks
Contra 1 track
Dedublüman 2 tracks
Deniz Rhode 1 track
Ebru Polat 1 track
Eda Baba 1 track
Efkan 2 tracks
Elif Bestehan 1 track
Elmir Qasımov 1 track
Elçin Orçun 1 track
Emirhan Derindere 3 tracks
Evren Adam 2 tracks
Evren Mevlanaoğlu 1 track
Fatma Turgut 3 tracks
Femrez 3 tracks
Ferah Dila 1 track
Furkan Olgaç 3 tracks
Geceyi Kurtar 3 tracks
Gökay Geçgel 1 track
Göksel 2 tracks
Gökşin Derin 3 tracks
Görkem Açıkalın 1 track
Günce 2 tracks
Güncel Gürsel Artıktay 3 tracks
Hakan Kalgıdım 2 tracks
Hemsaye 3 tracks
Hiko Hikmetov 1 track
Işıl Ayman 2 tracks
Kayıp Nesil 3 tracks
Kendimden Hallice 3 tracks
Konuya Fransız 3 tracks
Mavi Huydur Bende 3 tracks
Mert Tunçmakas 3 tracks
Mervan Çil 1 track
Merve Deniz 2 tracks
Murat Doğru 1 track
Murat Türkücüoğlu 1 track
Mürşide 1 track
Nihat İlhan 3 tracks
Onur Bilen 1 track
Onur Can Özcan 2 tracks
Osman Tuğsal 1 track
Perdenin Ardındakiler 1 track
Sarp Kaya 2 tracks
Selcan Asyalı 2 tracks
Serhan Dağıstanlı 1 track
Suzan Hacigarip 3 tracks
Səbinə Cəlalzadə 1 track
Tuna Türk 3 tracks
Tunç Aydoğmuş, Co. 2 tracks
Turgut Demirci 1 track
Tuğrul Sevgi 1 track
Varoş 1 track
Vesaire 2 tracks
Yasir Miy 1 track
Zeki Dizdar 2 tracks
Zibo 1 track
emre aydın 1 track
Çağan Şengül 5 tracks
Çağrı Kaymak 2 tracks
Çıkamadık İşin İçinden 2 tracks
Ömer Necati Uslu 3 tracks
Özgür 1 track
Şermin 1 track
Şeyma Demircan 1 track
Şort 3 tracks