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The Sound of Música Sul-Mato-Grossense

Discover the vibrant soundscape of Música Sul-Mato-Grossense with a playlist that beautifully encapsulates the region's diverse musical heritage. This collection is a rich tapestry of genres, featuring tracks like "Música do Bolso" by Franke. and Beca Rodrigues and "Serve um Téra" from Curimba's album "Sambaloco," both offering a contemporary twist to traditional rhythms. Explore the soulful collaboration of Ton Alves and Marina Peralta in "Nada em Comum," and let the energetic "Polka Outra Vez" by Jerry Espíndola and Karina Marques transport you to a lively celebration.

The playlist also dives into introspective tones with "O Último Cigarro" by DoValle and the pensive sounds of "Terra Plana" by LLEZ. Experience the blend of classic and modern influences in "Bolero de Criolo" by Begèt De Lucena and Ney Matogrosso, and feel the heartfelt gratitude in Marina Peralta's "Agradece." This playlist offers an authentic aural journey through the heart of Southern Mato Grosso, showcasing the intricate interplay of cultural influences that define its music scene. Whether you're in the mood for introspective ballads or lively polkas, this selection promises a taste of the region's unique auditory flavors.

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2DE1 1 track
A.D.Z 1 track
Ale Rocha 1 track
Almir Sater 1 track
Alzira E 1 track
Amanda Brito 2 tracks
André Pantera 1 track
Arthur Rostey 1 track
Augusto Galen 1 track
B-Kof 1 track
Babi Knox 1 track
Beca Rodrigues 4 tracks
Beca: & A Gaia Arte 1 track
Begèt De Lucena 3 tracks
Bella Xu 2 tracks
Bestem 1 track
Black Tropical 1 track
Bom Gosto 1 track
Buguinha Dub 1 track
Bêbados Habilidosos 3 tracks
Caio Mendes 2 tracks
Carlos Malta 1 track
Catarse Retrô 2 tracks
Chris Haicai 2 tracks
CháNoise 3 tracks
Codinome Winchester 3 tracks
Comando Pérola 1 track
Curimba 3 tracks
Dagata e os Aluízios 2 tracks
Darkstarnomercy 1 track
Dino Rocha 1 track
Dkukas 1 track
DoValle 3 tracks
Ed 1 track
Erika 1 track
Erika Espíndola 2 tracks
Fabi Strengari 1 track
Fernanda Ebling 1 track
Flávio Bernardo 1 track
Forzan 1 track
Franke. 4 tracks
Freitera 1 track
GF Gahiji 2 tracks
Geraldo Espíndola 3 tracks
Giani Torres 2 tracks
Giuliano Eriston 1 track
Gleyton Berbet 1 track
Guga Borba 2 tracks
Guilherme Consttan 1 track
Guilherme Rondon 3 tracks
Guilé 4 tracks
Guss Mc 1 track
Gustavo Vargas 1 track
Hermanos Irmãos 3 tracks
Jeff Boto 1 track
Jeffinho Enseki 1 track
Jerry Espíndola 6 tracks
Jonavo 2 tracks
João 307 3 tracks
João Fábio 1 track
Ju Souc 1 track
Julio Queiroz 3 tracks
Kadu Queiroz 1 track
Karina Marques 3 tracks
Karla Coronel 4 tracks
LLEZ 3 tracks
LOS BUGRES 1 track
Lado Negro do Mapa 2 tracks
Lari Cavalcante 1 track
Leo Verão 2 tracks
Liemy irie 1 track
Lourena 1 track
Lulu Mello 2 tracks
MC Kekel 1 track
Macaia 1 track
Malu Rdz 1 track
Marcello Costa 1 track
Marcelo Brinholi 2 tracks
Marina Peralta 5 tracks
Matu Miranda 2 tracks
Michael Pipoquinha 1 track
Muchileiros 3 tracks
Mxth 1 track
Márcio De Camillo 3 tracks
Naip 2 tracks
Nana Coloral 1 track
Ney Matogrosso 1 track
O Santo Chico 2 tracks
Original Stabile 4 tracks
Paolla 2 tracks
Paulo & Jean 1 track
Paulo Simões 5 tracks
Projeto Kzulo 1 track
Pump Killa 1 track
Ragg 1 track
Raphael Vital 3 tracks
Rebeca Queiroz 2 tracks
Renato Pacheco 1 track
Renato Teixeira 1 track
Rhege 1 track
Rodrigo Teixeira 3 tracks
Rubén Goldin 1 track
Sampri 2 tracks
Simão Gandhy 1 track
Thamires Tannous 2 tracks
Toaster Size 1 track
Ton Alves 3 tracks
Trinka 2 tracks
URBEM 2 tracks
Vimez 2 tracks
Vini Barreto 1 track
Vinil Moraes 3 tracks
Viviane Aquino 1 track
Vozmecê 1 track