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The Sound of Vampiric Black Metal

"The Sound of Vampiric Black Metal" brings together a selection of raw and atmospheric tracks that embrace the dark, cold, and eerie essence of vampyric black metal. Featuring bands like Wampyric Rites, Vampyric Tyrant, and Order of Nosferat, this playlist dives deep into the genre’s lo-fi production, haunting melodies, and relentless aggression. With tracks like "Transilvanian Hunger" by Darkthrone and "Desecrate Jesus Name" by Mutiilation, it also nods to the genre’s roots while showcasing newer acts that continue to shape its distinct sound.

From blistering tremolo riffs to chilling synth-laden atmospheres, this collection captures the gothic horror and nocturnal mysticism that defines vampyric black metal. Whether it’s the melancholic darkness of Drowning the Light, the ritualistic intensity of Black Funeral, or the eerie grandeur of Warmoon Lord, the playlist traverses the entire spectrum of this niche subgenre. Perfect for those who appreciate black metal steeped in themes of vampirism, sorrow, and the eternal night.

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A Transylvanian Funeral 3 tracks
Abyssos 2 tracks
Aehrebelsethe 1 track
As Vampiric Shades and Belial Winds 2 tracks
BAT MAGIC 1 track
Bastard of Loran 1 track
Black Funeral 3 tracks
Bloody Keep 2 tracks
Byyrth 1 track
Cainian Legion 1 track
Carathis 3 tracks
Celestial Sword 2 tracks
Cradle Of Filth 2 tracks
Cultum Draculesti 2 tracks
Darkthrone 2 tracks
Despondent Moon 3 tracks
Dragsholm 1 track
Drowning the Light 3 tracks
Elizabethan Walpurga 1 track
Erchamion 1 track
Foreshadowing Death 1 track
Funeral Fog 1 track
Funeral Fullmoon 3 tracks
KVÖL 1 track
Kriegsschwein 1 track
Krolok 2 tracks
Medwegya! 2 tracks
Moonscar 2 tracks
Mutiilation 3 tracks
Nattsvargr 3 tracks
Necromantia 2 tracks
Night of the Vampire 2 tracks
Nocturnal Art 1 track
Oblivion Castle 2 tracks
Old Nick 2 tracks
Order of Nosferat 3 tracks
Peste Umbrarum 1 track
Ravenous Dusk 2 tracks
Siebenbürgen 2 tracks
Strixskog 1 track
Sumerian Tombs 2 tracks
Transilvania 2 tracks
Unholy Vampyric Slaughter Sect 2 tracks
Uvethium 1 track
Vampiric Funeral 3 tracks
Vampirska 3 tracks
Vampyric 3 tracks
Vampyric Tyrant 3 tracks
Vampyrskog 3 tracks
Verwesung 3 tracks
Vinterdracul 1 track
Wampyric Rites 3 tracks
Warmoon Lord 3 tracks
Winter Lantern 3 tracks
Witches Forest(Only) 1 track
fullmoon mysticism 1 track