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The Sound of Glitch Beats

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Glitch beats take center stage in this playlist, offering an eclectic mix of electronic textures, fractured rhythms, and atmospheric soundscapes. Tracks like Atom TM's "Follow Me to San Jose - Mixed" and Esselfortium's "Other/Self" bring intricate digital manipulation, while pieces such as Boreal Network's "Sylvan Lake" and Rykard's "North Cormorant Obscurity" lean into lush, ambient-infused production. The experimental side of electronic music is explored through selections like Effacer's "Want Of Breath" and Lagowski's "Responser," providing a balance of chaotic deconstruction and structured groove. Whether pulsing with distorted drum patterns or floating through hazy, cinematic environments, this collection highlights the breadth of glitch-inspired sound design.

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8yone 3 tracks
AWT 3 tracks
Achrid 1 track
Aeriae 3 tracks
Alex Mein Smith 3 tracks
Alex Rubia 2 tracks
Andrew Duke 3 tracks
Atom TM 3 tracks
Autistici 1 track
Bexarametric 3 tracks
Bllix 3 tracks
BlodMahl 1 track
Boreal Network 3 tracks
Bounte 3 tracks
Bovaflux 3 tracks
Brittany Bindrim 1 track
Cedar A.V. 3 tracks
Cenik 3 tracks
Clapan 3 tracks
Cuevox 3 tracks
Diarmo 3 tracks
Discount Plastic Surgery 3 tracks
Disparition 3 tracks
Double Affair 3 tracks
Dynamic Wave 2 tracks
E.stonji 2 tracks
Effacer 2 tracks
Esselfortium 3 tracks
Fatima Meets Kuriaki 2 tracks
Flapo 1 track
Forlon 2 tracks
Gagarin 2 tracks
Gavouna 2 tracks
Greetings From Tuskan 2 tracks
Grinning Ape 2 tracks
Guy David 2 tracks
Henry Leo Duclos 2 tracks
Hirnlego 1 track
Imploded View 3 tracks
Joan Malé 1 track
Joseph Auer 2 tracks
Kids and Chemicals 2 tracks
Komatsu 2 tracks
Koulomek 2 tracks
Lagowski 2 tracks
Limbertimbre 2 tracks
Lithium Enchantment 2 tracks
Livelectro 2 tracks
Logickal 2 tracks
M-tech! 2 tracks
Macroeconomics 1 track
Maiki 2 tracks
Mata Jones 1 track
Mauin 2 tracks
Metrocide 2 tracks
Mic Mell 2 tracks
Mike Vee 1 track
Mikronesia 2 tracks
MobiusB 1 track
Ngc 1 track
Onethema 1 track
Pandacetamol 1 track
Phase Mojo 1 track
Polar Sky 3 tracks
Psychetropic 1 track
Quantazelle 1 track
Reklein 3 tracks
Resynthesize 1 track
Richard Houghten 1 track
Ross Lafond 1 track
Ruffin 1 track
Rykard 3 tracks
Sadahnmo 1 track
Shamanic Technology 1 track
Shuutobi 1 track
Si Begg 1 track
Skink 1 track
Solarium 1 track
Solotempo 1 track
Somaticae 1 track
Soplerfo 1 track
Soundhacker 1 track
Technose 1 track
Thin Films 1 track
Traject 1 track
Tudikas Wayne Hunnicutt 1 track
Wooky 1 track
XDB 1 track
Zool 1 track
Zort 1 track
mikeverde 1 track
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