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The Sound of Japanese Black Metal

"The Sound of Japanese Black Metal" showcases the diverse and dynamic world of Japan's black metal scene, weaving together atmospheric, raw, and experimental elements. From the melancholic and depressive tones of Kanashimi and No Point in Living to the aggressive, thrash-infused attack of Sabbat and Abigail, this playlist highlights the genre's many styles. Bands like Cohol and MALIKLIYA bring a layered, post-black metal approach, while groups such as Endon and VMO push boundaries with noise and avant-garde influences.

Featuring tracks like Cataplexy’s "Dawn of the Black Sun," Sigh’s "Homo Homini Lupus," and Heaven In Her Arms' "月虹と深潭," listeners can experience everything from traditional tremolo-picked fury to modern blackgaze textures. Whether it's the relentless assault of Evil and Earth Godless or the cinematic atmosphere of Shadowgazer and Kadenzza, this collection captures the essence of Japanese black metal in its many forms.

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5150 1 track
A.V.D.L 1 track
AL-KAMAR 3 tracks
Abigail 3 tracks
Amduscias 1 track
Arkha Sva 1 track
Asunojokei 3 tracks
Avsolutized 1 track
Azking 1 track
Barbatos 3 tracks
Cataplexy 3 tracks
Chip King 1 track
Cohol 3 tracks
Cursedness 1 track
DEATH GAZE 2 tracks
Daemonian 1 track
Darkcell 2 tracks
Dragdown 1 track
ENDON 2 tracks
Earth Godless 2 tracks
Ebola 2 tracks
Endless Dismal Moan 1 track
Engulf 1 track
Enterré Vivant 2 tracks
Ethereal Sin 3 tracks
Evil 2 tracks
Gallhammer 3 tracks
Ghost Cries 2 tracks
Hakuja 1 track
Haruka 1 track
Heaven In Her Arms 3 tracks
Hibari 2 tracks
Hymn Above Traumatic Emotion 2 tracks
Isso Yukihiro 1 track
Kadenzza 2 tracks
Kanashimi 3 tracks
Legion of Andromeda 1 track
MALIKLIYA 3 tracks
Mizuki Misumi 1 track
No Point in Living 3 tracks
Pale 3 tracks
Retch 2 tracks
Retreat Neurosis 2 tracks
Sabbat 3 tracks
Serenity In Murder 2 tracks
Shadowgazer 3 tracks
Shuntaro Tanikawa 1 track
Sigh 3 tracks
Sumeragi 3 tracks
Swazönd 1 track
VMO 2 tracks
Vandal 2 tracks
Velladon 2 tracks
souketsuki 1 track
ungodly 1 track
それゆけちゃん 1 track
三角みづ紀 1 track
君島大空 1 track
夢遊病者 2 tracks
桑原茂一 1 track
瀧波ユカリ 1 track
町田康 1 track
知声 1 track
鳥居 1 track