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The Sound of Starmyu

Immerse yourself in "The Sound of Starmyu," a vibrant musical journey straight from the animated world of Starmyu. This playlist resonates with the energy and creativity that the series is known for, spotlighting powerful original songs and diverse collaborations. Tracks like "アヤナギ・ショウ・タイム" by team柊 and "星瞬COUNTDOWN" by team鳳 instantly evoke the high-stakes passion of young performers reaching for the stars. Meanwhile, tracks like "ユメ・イロ~Musical Ver.~" and "Gift ~カーテンコール~" bring the spirit of ensemble performances to life, showcasing the collaborative essence of Starmyu's narrative.

As you explore the playlist, feel the intensity of duets like "FACE-OFF" by 空閑 愁 and 虎石和泉 and solo performances such as "星のストライド" by 星谷悠太. For fans of complex character dynamics, pieces like "two of us" and "MOON Holic" offer a deeper dive into the emotional intricacies of the show's characters. The playlist ends on a high note with uplifting tracks like "C☆ngratulations!~Musical Ver.~" and "SHOW MUST GO ON!!," ensuring that the spirit of musical theater continues long after the last track. Whether you're a die-hard fan of the series or a newcomer, this collection provides a comprehensive taste of Starmyu's unmatched soundscape.

RecentMusic users are tracking 62 The Sound of Starmyu artists for new releases, and have access to the full timeline of 49 releases .

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ALL CAST(ミュージカル「スタミュ」) 1 track
Fourpe(cv.浦島坂田船) 3 tracks
team星谷 2 tracks
team柊 3 tracks
team柊(ミュージカル「スタミュ」) 2 tracks
team楪 2 tracks
team漣 2 tracks
team鳳 3 tracks
team鳳&team柊&揚羽×蜂矢×北原×南條&オールキャスト 2 tracks
team鳳&team柊(ミュージカル「スタミュ」) 1 track
team鳳(ミュージカル「スタミュ」) 2 tracks
team鳳×揚羽 陸(CV.島﨑信長) ×北原 廉(CV.梅原裕一郎) 1 track
team鳳&team柊&team楪&team漣 1 track
アンシエント 2 tracks
入夏将志(CV.逢坂良太) 1 track
冬沢 亮(CV.斉藤壮馬)×千秋貴史(CV.小西克幸) 2 tracks
北原 廉(CV.梅原裕一郎)×南條 聖(CV. 武内駿輔) 2 tracks
北原 廉(CV.梅原裕一郎)×虎石和泉(CV.KENN) 2 tracks
卯川晶(星元裕月) 1 track
四季斗真(CV.浪川大輔) 2 tracks
天花寺 翔(CV:細谷佳正) 2 tracks
戌峰誠士郎(CV:興津和幸)×卯川 晶(CV:松岡禎丞) 2 tracks
戌峰誠士郎(丹澤誠二) 1 track
揚羽 陸(CV.島﨑信長) 2 tracks
揚羽 陸(CV.島﨑信長)×月皇遥斗(CV.子安武人) 1 track
揚羽 陸(CV.島﨑信長)×蜂矢 聡(CV.高梨健吾) 2 tracks
揚羽 陸(CV.島﨑信長)×蜂矢 聡(CV.高梨謙吾)×北原 廉(CV.梅原裕一郎)×南條 聖(CV. 武内駿輔)) 3 tracks
新里宏太 1 track
星谷悠太(CV.花江夏樹)×四季斗真(CV.浪川大輔) 2 tracks
星谷悠太(CV.花江夏樹)×月皇海斗(CV.ランズベリー・アーサー)×魚住朝喜(CV.森川智之) 1 track
星谷悠太(CV.花江夏樹)×辰己琉唯(CV.岡本信彦)×四季斗真(CV.浪川大輔)×冬沢 亮(CV.斉藤壮馬) 2 tracks
星谷悠太(CV:花江夏樹) 3 tracks
星谷悠太×那雪 透×月皇海斗×天花寺 翔×空閑 愁×辰己琉唯×申渡栄吾×戌峰誠士郎×虎石和泉×卯川 晶×揚羽 陸×蜂矢 聡×北原 廉×南條 聖 1 track
星谷悠太(CV.花江夏樹)×揚羽 陸(CV.島﨑信長) 2 tracks
星谷悠太(CV.花江夏樹)×柊 翼(CV.平川大輔)×鳳 樹(CV.諏訪部順一) 1 track
星谷悠太(CV.花江夏樹)×那雪 透(CV.小野賢章) 2 tracks
星谷悠太(CV.花江夏樹)×那雪 透(CV.小野賢章)×天花寺 翔(CV.細谷佳正)×空閑 愁(CV.前野智昭)×卯川 晶(CV.松岡禎丞)×虎石和泉(CV.KENN) 2 tracks
春日野詩音(CV.山下大輝) 1 track
春日野詩音(CV.山下大輝)×入夏将志(CV.逢坂良太) 1 track
暁 鏡司(CV.森久保祥太郎)×楪・C・リオン(CV.鳥海浩輔)×漣 朔也(CV.羽多野 渉) 1 track
月皇海斗&天花寺翔(ミュージカル「スタミュ」) 1 track
月皇海斗(CV.ランズベリー・アーサー) ×空閑 愁(CV.前野智昭) 2 tracks
月皇海斗(CV:ランズベリー・アーサー) 1 track
月皇遥斗 2 tracks
柊 翼(CV:平川大輔) 2 tracks
申渡栄吾(CV.内田雄馬)×虎石和泉(CV.KENN) 1 track
申渡栄吾(北川尚弥) 1 track
空閑 愁(CV.前野智昭)×虎石和泉(CV.KENN)×北原 廉(CV.梅原裕一郎) 2 tracks
空閑愁(CV:前野智昭) 1 track
華桜会 3 tracks
虎石和泉(高野洸) 1 track
虎石和泉(CV:KENN) 2 tracks
辰己琉唯(櫻井圭登) 1 track
辰己琉唯(CV:岡本信彦)×申渡栄吾(CV:内田雄馬) 2 tracks
遥斗×海斗 2 tracks
那雪 透(CV.小野賢章)×月皇海斗 (CV.ランズベリー・アーサー)×辰己琉唯(CV.岡本信彦)×申渡栄吾(CV.内田雄馬 ) 2 tracks
那雪 透(CV:小野賢章) 1 track
那雪 透(CV.小野賢章)×卯川 晶(CV.松岡禎丞) 2 tracks
那雪シスターズ 1 track
鳳 樹(CV:諏訪部順一)×柊 翼(CV:平川大輔) 1 track
鳳 樹(ミュージカル「スタミュ」) 1 track
鳳 樹(CV:諏訪部順一) 1 track