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The Sound of Slovenské chvály

"The Sound of Slovenské chvály" is a soul-stirring collection that showcases the depth and diversity of Slovak worship music. This playlist brings together a range of contemporary and live tracks, weaving a melodic tapestry of faith and devotion. It features heartfelt songs like "Duchu Svätý si tu vítaný" by GodKnows and Heartbeat and "Vezmi moje srdce" by PiarMusic, which invite listeners to reflect and find solace in worship. Tracks such as "Potrebujem teba" by Marana Tha and "Srdce dokorán - Live" by Martindom Worship offer a powerful live experience that captures the essence of collective praise.

Throughout the playlist, artists like Timothy with "Kerimpak Kaca Lauya" and Dominika Gurbaľová with "Tam, Kde Si Ty" add their unique touches, enhancing the rich soundscape. "Blízko ma máš" by Leumas and Adrián Marušák and "Nebojím sa" by Godzone and ESPE infuse a sense of uplifting hope and steadfast faith. Whether you're seeking the calming grace of "Len Tak Spočinúť" by Dominika Gurbaľová or the communal energy of "Príď Tvoje Kráľovstvo – CF16 hymna - live" by the CampFest band, this playlist is a wonderful journey through the resonant and heartfelt world of Slovak worship music.

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Playlist Artists Spotify Logo
Adam Ďurica 1 track
Adrián Marušák 1 track
Alltide 2 tracks
Andres 1 track
Anna Bakalárová 1 track
Augustín 5 tracks
BCC 1 track
BCC Worship 3 tracks
Barbora Hypiusová 1 track
Brian Doerkson 1 track
CampFest band 2 tracks
DJ Damian Custom 1 track
Daša Voskárová 3 tracks
Dominik Gabriel 2 tracks
Dominika Gurbaľová 3 tracks
ESPE 5 tracks
Empo 3 tracks
Evs Band 2 tracks
Geboorah 2 tracks
George Balga 4 tracks
GodKnows 3 tracks
Godzone 3 tracks
Heartbeat 3 tracks
Heartbeat 3 tracks
HopeRise 1 track
Isaac Records 3 tracks
Ivana Pinčáková 1 track
Jakub Krátky 1 track
Jana Zubajová 1 track
Jozef Šarišský 1 track
K:MUSIC 3 tracks
Kami 1 track
Lenka Bednárová 2 tracks
Leumas 3 tracks
Lámačské chvály 4 tracks
Mahanaim 1 track
Marana Tha 3 tracks
Martin Husovsky 3 tracks
Martindom Worship 3 tracks
Miťo Bodnár 1 track
Mládežnícky zbor Dolný Kubín 2 tracks
Nova Piesen 1 track
OwithG 2 tracks
P. Ján Hríb SchP 1 track
Peter Debnar 1 track
Peter Olejár 1 track
PiarMusic 3 tracks
Poetica Musica 2 tracks
Priatelia 1 track
Puer Dei 2 tracks
Rado Mikula 1 track
Radostné srdce 1 track
Regiment 1 track
Robert Lenart 1 track
Samuel Tomecek 1 track
Selah_IR 1 track
Selah_TNR 2 tracks
Spektrum 1 track
Stano & Draho 1 track
Tatiana 1 track
Till I Get Home 2 tracks
Timea Čechovská 1 track
Timothy 3 tracks
Timothy 3 tracks
Tretí Deň 2 tracks
Tretí deň 1 track
Vždy@všade 1 track
Wayne 1 track
Zuzana Oráčová 1 track
Zuzana Ďurčeková 1 track
dawidd 3 tracks