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The Sound of Lagu Aceh

Discover the rich and diverse sounds of Acehnese music with "The Sound of Lagu Aceh," a playlist that highlights both traditional and contemporary tracks from the region. This collection features everything from folk-inspired melodies like "Keuneubah Endatu" by Liza Aulia and "Meukuta Alam" by Kandé to modern ballads such as "Mengalah" by Cut Zuhra and "Halalkan Aku" by Mira Putri.

Blending local rhythms, religious influences, and heartfelt lyrics, this playlist includes a mix of cultural anthems like "Bungong Jeumpa Megah Di Aceh" and "Saleum Aneuk Nanggroe," as well as newer hits like "Meurindu" and "Setelah Dia Pergi." Whether you're exploring Acehnese music for the first time or reconnecting with familiar sounds, this selection offers a well-rounded experience of the region’s musical identity.

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ALGA 3 tracks
APACHE 13 2 tracks
Adi Bugak 2 tracks
Ageng Music 1 track
Ahadi Pj 1 track
Ami Rahmi 2 tracks
Apache13 2 tracks
Ari Pijay 3 tracks
Ayu Amanda 1 track
Bergek 2 tracks
Cut Aja Rizka 1 track
Cut Dhea 1 track
Cut Maya 1 track
Cut Rani Auliza 3 tracks
Cut Zuhra 4 tracks
Denny Syukur 1 track
FATE 1 track
Fadli M Baleqi 1 track
Fadli M Baleqi 1 track
Faisal Asahan 2 tracks
Faizal Ulka 2 tracks
Fate 1 track
Fianka 1 track
Firsa Agam 2 tracks
Haifa Azzura 2 tracks
Hillman Rizqan 1 track
Jaboi 2 tracks
Jaka S 2 tracks
Joel Pasee 1 track
Kandé 3 tracks
Keubitbit 1 track
Lailissa'adah 2 tracks
Liza Aulia 3 tracks
Maghfirah M Hussein 3 tracks
Mahrisal 1 track
Miftah Arif 2 tracks
Milda Ariska 1 track
Mira Putri 3 tracks
Misbah Al Zizi 1 track
Moritza Thaher 4 tracks
Muhammad Yusuf Bombang (Apa Kaoy) 1 track
Mujib Idris 1 track
Nazia Marwiana 4 tracks
Novry BM 1 track
Nurul Munira 1 track
Nyawoung Aceh 3 tracks
OrangHutan Squad 3 tracks
Putro Neyma 1 track
Rafly 1 track
Rafly KanDe 3 tracks
Rialdoni 1 track
Safira Amalia 3 tracks
Saleum Group 3 tracks
Salsa Naisiva 1 track
Sofwan Idris 1 track
Subur Dani 1 track
Tangké 3 tracks
Teuku Mail 1 track
The Budhi 2 tracks
Topi 1 track
Xenomutia Dragon 1 track
Yusa 1 track
Yusbi yusuf 3 tracks
ZEffAN 1 track