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Space & Astronauts Kids Songs - Children's Music about Rockets, Stars and the Moon

Exploring the vastness of space has never been this fun and educational for kids. The "Space & Astronauts Kids Songs - Children's Music about Rockets, Stars, and the Moon" playlist is an exciting compilation of tracks designed to spark young imaginations about the mysteries and wonders of the universe. From catchy tunes that will have kids zooming to the moon with "Zoom, Zoom We're Going to the Moon" by The Kiboomers, to dreaming of piloting their rockets across the starlit sky with "Rocketship" by Splash'N Boots, this playlist is a perfect blend of education and entertainment. It's packed with songs about astronauts, space adventures, and the celestial bodies that make up our solar system, like "The Planets Song" by The BeatBuds, ensuring that young listeners get a good grasp of basic space concepts in the most engaging way possible.

The diversity in musical style and subject matter caters to a variety of interests—whether it's imagining being an astronaut with "I Want To Be An Astronaut" by Juice Music, taking a fantastical "Spaceship Adventure" with The Killers, or learning about the planets with "All The Planets" by The Laurie Berkner Band. Each song is a new opportunity for kids to learn and sing along, making discoveries about gravity, the solar system, and even alien friends with tracks like "Alien" by Big Block Singsong. "Space & Astronauts Kids Songs" isn't just a playlist; it's a journey through the cosmos that offers endless adventures right from the comfort of home, making it an essential soundtrack for any young space enthusiast's daily exploration.

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Amy Liz 1 track
Andy Z 1 track
Ants Ants Ants 1 track
Bari Koral 1 track
Benny Time 1 track
Beth Jean 1 track
Big Block Singsong 3 tracks
Big Don 1 track
Blippi 1 track
Bobs & Lolo 1 track
Bounce Patrol 2 tracks
Brendan Gregg 1 track
Cathy Fink & Marcy Marxer 1 track
Coco's Lunch 1 track
Danny Weinkauf 2 tracks
Erick Traplin 1 track
Frances England 1 track
GoNoodle is Awesome Sauce 1 track
Great Lake Swimmers 1 track
Hi-5 2 tracks
Imagination Movers 2 tracks
Itty Bitty Beats 2 tracks
JoJaxx 1 track
Johnny Bregar 2 tracks
Jon Samson 1 track
Juice Music 5 tracks
Jumpin' jamie 1 track
Kath Bee 1 track
Lah-Lah 1 track
Laura Doherty 1 track
MC Fireworks 1 track
Peanut Butter Jams 1 track
Poppet Stars 1 track
Rachel Coleman 1 track
Randy Kaplan 1 track
Rebecca Frezza & Big Truck 1 track
Secret Agent 23 Skidoo 1 track
Seth Decker 1 track
Splash'N Boots 1 track
Spotty Kites 1 track
Stacey Peasley 1 track
SteveSongs 3 tracks
StoryBots 3 tracks
The Beanies 1 track
The BeatBuds 2 tracks
The GiggleBellies 1 track
The Kiboomers 1 track
The Killers 1 track
The Laurie Berkner Band 3 tracks
The Little Singers 1 track
The Mighty Buzzniks 1 track
The Mik Maks 1 track
The Missing Piece 1 track
The New Fangles 1 track
The Pop Ups 1 track
The Tallest Kid in the Room 1 track
The Wiggles 1 track
Tim Kubart 1 track
Tiny Totz Kidz 1 track