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The Sound of Idaho Hip Hop

"The Sound of Idaho Hip Hop" is a deep dive into the vibrant and eclectic world of hip hop coming out of Idaho. This playlist features a diverse range of tracks that showcase the creativity and lyrical prowess of local artists. From Ylti's smooth beats in "Sweet Thing" to the powerful flow of Madisun Proof in tracks like "The Agenda" and "On the Real," the playlist is a testament to the talent hidden within Idaho's borders.

Listeners can vibe to the rhythmic storytelling found in Axiom ThaWyze's "Take Me Home" and AlexanderTheGreatest's "A Mental Game," each offering introspective narratives wrapped in compelling beats. The playlist also includes catchy, hard-hitting tracks such as "BounceThat Ass" by Young Cello and A-Drip and "SWERVE" by RandyB Funk and Danyelle Speaks. With a mix of thoughtful lyrics, energetic anthems, and smooth laid-back grooves, "The Sound of Idaho Hip Hop" serves up a fresh and inspiring landscape of sounds that will keep anyone tuned in from start to finish.

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$av 2 tracks
.Kingcold 2 tracks
27CLUB 1 track
A-Drip 1 track
Ace Flo 1 track
Ace Flo 3 tracks
Alec Whiteley 3 tracks
AlexanderTheGreatest 3 tracks
Axiom ThaWyze 3 tracks
Bella Mae 1 track
Bibbs 1 track
Bryce Houston 3 tracks
Cartiae 3 tracks
Cherxphxbia 1 track
Collin 1 track
Con 1 track
Curtis Plum 2 tracks
DEEZUP 1 track
Dami Exodus 2 tracks
Danyelle Speaks 1 track
Dedicated Servers 3 tracks
Deezel Washingtons 1 track
Derrty Shirt 2 tracks
Dolla 1 track
Eleven & Jason D 3 tracks
Exit Prose 2 tracks
FEEZUP 2 tracks
Hylo Rayne 2 tracks
Illicit 1 track
JAG 1 track
Jay Netic 2 tracks
Jay_got_juice 1 track
John Bond 2 tracks
Josh Petruccio 1 track
Josiah 1 track
JulianFade 1 track
Kaden Womack 1 track
Kamphire Collective 2 tracks
KennyDoubleg 1 track
Lil Lex 1 track
Lundy 2 tracks
MAiNTAiN 2 tracks
MC Kado 2 tracks
MJD 3 tracks
Madisun Proof 4 tracks
Melvin the Giant 2 tracks
Mill Bill 3 tracks
Nac One 1 track
New Walk 3 tracks
Orya Smith 2 tracks
Oyó 1 track
Poppa Joe 1 track
R-Swift 1 track
RA MHTP 1 track
RandyB Funk 1 track
Ready Starr 1 track
Reeve$ 1 track
Reks 1 track
Rolli Water 3 tracks
Rome 1 track
Ruffian 1 track
Shady Manila Records 1 track
ShakaShine 1 track
Shiloh5001 1 track
SillAY 1 track
Sketchy Waze 1 track
Skilly Waves 3 tracks
Sol.Luna 1 track
Superior 1 1 track
The Butler 1 track
Tim Atwell 1 track
Valid Point. 1 track
Wite Stud 1 track
Ylti 3 tracks
Yoda 1 track
Young Cello 1 track
YoungXDex 1 track
YunG HPC 1 track
ZERO 3 tracks
hhhebry 1 track
ronhepipes 1 track
sstrawberry 1 track