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The Sound of Romanian Contemporary Classical

Explore the mesmerizing world of Romanian contemporary classical music with this captivating playlist. Journey through the works of renowned composers like Horaţiu Rădulescu, whose "Das Andere opus 49" and "Lux Animae opus 97" evoke deep, introspective experiences. Delve into Iancu Dumitrescu's innovative soundscapes with "Pénitence et anthropologie" and the haunting "Movemur III". Octavian Nemescu blends tradition and modernity in "Scară Lăuntrică (Escalinner)", creating a rich tapestry of sound that challenges and enthralls.

The playlist also features vibrant interpretations of folk music, such as Ana-Maria Avram's take on Béla Bartók's songs, adding a distinctly Romanian flavor. Enjoy the ethereal notes of Violeta Dinescu's "Torre Di Si" and Cristian Marina's "Vae," both highlighting the diversity within this contemporary scene. With compositions ranging from haunting requiems by Myriam Marbe to energetic concertos by Maya Badian, this collection promises an immersive experience into the sound of Romanian contemporary classical music.

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Playlist Artists Spotify Logo
Aaron Smith 1 track
Adina Dumitrescu 3 tracks
Adrian Borza 2 tracks
Adrian Cioban 1 track
Adriana Hölszky 3 tracks
Ana Szilagyi 1 track
Ana Topalovic 1 track
Ana-Maria Avram 3 tracks
Anatol Vieru 3 tracks
Andreas Brenner 1 track
Andrew Malcolm 1 track
Andrzej Markowski 1 track
András Lelkes 1 track
Anton Tauf 1 track
Aquarius 1 track
Arpad Konczei 3 tracks
Ars Nova Ensemble 1 track
Auer String Quartet 1 track
Aurel Stroe 1 track
Back to Back 2 tracks
Barbara Werner 1 track
Barrie Webb 5 tracks
Belcanto Eensemble 1 track
Benedetto Boccuzzi 1 track
Birgitta Schork 1 track
Calmus Ensemble 1 track
Carmen Maria Carneci 2 tracks
Carmen Petra-Basacopol 3 tracks
Christian Dierstein 1 track
Clara Cernat 2 tracks
Claude Vasari 1 track
Cluj Ars Nova Ensemble 2 tracks
Cornel Taranu 4 tracks
Cornelia Petroiu 4 tracks
Corul Madrigal 1 track
Costin Miereanu 2 tracks
Cristian Balea 1 track
Cristian Brancusi 1 track
Cristian Marina 2 tracks
Cǎlin Ioachimescu 2 tracks
Dan Dediu 3 tracks
Dana Cristina Probst 1 track
Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin 1 track
Diana Rotaru 2 tracks
Dietburg Spohr 1 track
Dinu Ghezzo 2 tracks
Doina Rotaru 3 tracks
Dora Cojocaru 2 tracks
Dorin Marc 1 track
Dou Contemporain 1 track
Drake Mabry 1 track
Dumitru Capoianu 2 tracks
Enrico Calesso 1 track
Ensemble Anonymus (Hungary) 2 tracks
Ensemble Clarinettissimo 1 track
Ensemble Reconsil 1 track
Ensemble Romantica 1 track
Ensemble für Neue Musik Zürich 1 track
Erica Goodman 3 tracks
Esther Lamneck 1 track
François-Xavier Roth 1 track
Fred Popovici 2 tracks
French Flute Orchestra 1 track
Gabriel Iranyi 2 tracks
Gabriel Mălăncioiu 2 tracks
George Balint 2 tracks
Georgeta Orlovschi 1 track
Gheorghe Costinescu 2 tracks
Guy Dangain 1 track
Haika Lübcke 1 track
Harry Kinross White 1 track
Heidelberg Philharmonic Orchestra 1 track
Heidelberg Theater Choir 1 track
Hiyoli Togawa 1 track
Horaţiu Rădulescu 3 tracks
Horia Andreescu 1 track
Ian Hobson 1 track
Iancu Dumitrescu 2 tracks
Ilie Dornescu 1 track
Ion Budoiu 1 track
Irina Muresanu 1 track
Iva Ugrčić 1 track
Ivo Nilsson 1 track
Jan Schweiger 1 track
Janáček Philharmonic Orchestra 1 track
Jiří Petrdlík 1 track
KIENTZY 4 tracks
Karin Dornbusch 1 track
Keith Underwood 1 track
Krzysztof Kaczka 1 track
Laura Manolache 1 track
Lilian Akopova 1 track
Liliana Bizineche 1 track
Livia Teodorescu-Ciocanea 1 track
Liviu Danceanu 1 track
Liviu Marinescu 1 track
London Symphony Orchestra 1 track
Lucian Metianu 1 track
Lucian Zbarcea 1 track
Ludovic Bacs 1 track
László Kiss Gy. 2 tracks
Marin Constantin 1 track
Mark Takeshi McGregor 1 track
Martha Locker 1 track
Mateja Haller 1 track
Maya Badian 1 track
Michael Radulescu 1 track
Mihaela Vosganian 1 track
Mihail Jora Philharmonic Orchestra 1 track
Mihaï Zamfir 1 track
Mikko Raasakka 1 track
Monash Conservatorium Ensemble 1 track
Myriam Marbe 3 tracks
Octavian Nemescu 3 tracks
Ovidiu Balan 1 track
Partita Radicale 1 track
Pascale Rouet 1 track
Philippe Trovão 1 track
Pierre-Alain Biget 1 track
Pierre-Yves Artaud 1 track
Péter Szalai 1 track
Péter Szegő 2 tracks
Péter Árendás 1 track
Ray Jackendoff 1 track
Reina Portuondo 2 tracks
Robert Aitken 3 tracks
Roland Freisitzer 1 track
Roman Vlad 1 track
Romanian National Orchestra 1 track
Romanian Radio Chamber Orchestra 1 track
Romanian Radio Symphony Orchestra 1 track
Rózsa Farkas 1 track
Sam Dunscombe 1 track
Sanda Craciun 1 track
Serban Nichifor 1 track
Sever Tipei 1 track
Severin Neubauer 1 track
Sherban Lupu 1 track
Sinfonia Da Camera 1 track
Sorin Lerescu 3 tracks
Stefan Neubauer 1 track
Stefan Niculescu 1 track
Stephen Gosling 2 tracks
The London Schubert Players 5 tracks
Theodor Grigoriu 1 track
Thierry Huillet 2 tracks
Tiberiu Olah 1 track
Tina Reynaert 1 track
Tobias von Arb 1 track
Tom Sora 1 track
Tomoko Mukaiyama 2 tracks
Traiect Ensemble 3 tracks
Trio TribukaitPetterssonBerg 1 track
TrioCoriolis 1 track
Tudor Feraru 1 track
Uri Mayer 1 track
Valentina Sandu-Dediu 3 tracks
Violeta Dinescu 3 tracks
Vlad Maistorovici 1 track
Walter Ifrim 1 track
Werner Barho 2 tracks
Yoriko Ikeya 1 track