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The Sound of Musica Puntana

"The Sound of Musica Puntana" brings you an eclectic mix of refreshing sounds that are sure to redefine your musical journey. Dive into the soothing rhythms of Costa de Papel's "Veleros" and Prana's "Aguas Danzantes," each track flowing with serene yet dynamic energy. Let the fusion continue with the captivating collaboration of Flavia Calderón and Gregorio in the enigmatic "Apócrifo" and the lively "A Mansalva" by Nosotras Tan-Bién.

Slip into the urban beats of "Cumbia del adiós" by Villa MC and Duki-Rosalia IA or experience the raw punk edge of "Arruinarse - Punk Version" by Yo y la Marea. This playlist is a kaleidoscope of textures and styles, featuring everything from the rhythmic "Danza cosmica" by Charly Quiroga to the introspective "Entre Tanta Gente" by Le Ramire. It invites you on a journey through various emotions, genres, and narratives, offering a little something for every kind of music lover from the heart of Musica Puntana.

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Playlist Artists Spotify Logo
4 Lados 1 track
Aeronave 3 tracks
Aflalo 2 tracks
Agustín Nielsen 1 track
Aien 1 track
Arturo Costa Leite 2 tracks
Aütomatico 1 track
Berlina 3 tracks
Boris Luco 1 track
Charly Quiroga 1 track
Chaz 1 track
Coquena 1 track
Costa de Papel 4 tracks
Curandera 1 track
DAC2 1 track
Damian Fernandez Alberti 2 tracks
Dudu Costa Leite 1 track
Duki-Rosalia IA 1 track
Efecto Bloc 3 tracks
Ensamble Serrano 3 tracks
Ernesto Sosa 4 tracks
Federico Bordigoni 1 track
Flavia Calderón 4 tracks
GUERNICA 2 tracks
Gregorio 1 track
Gus Bordagorry 2 tracks
Hombre Pez 3 tracks
Jorge Niño Garcia 2 tracks
Juanpaio Toch 1 track
KUKI 3 tracks
Katana 1 track
Klement 3 tracks
Las Carreteras 2 tracks
Las Flores de Monet 2 tracks
Le Ramire 1 track
Lo Justo y Boca Seca 2 tracks
Luza 3 tracks
Manny 1 track
Mesti 1 track
Milena Salamanca 1 track
Mr. Canuto y sus Papiprós 3 tracks
Nafta de Avion 1 track
Nahuel Pavano 2 tracks
Naufragos 2 tracks
Norte Libre 3 tracks
Nosotras Tan-Bién 3 tracks
PHLOX SL 2 tracks
Pablo Salgado 2 tracks
Pablo del Fuego 3 tracks
Peon 1 track
Prana 3 tracks
RivRod 1 track
Rocío Leyro 1 track
Santi Alaniz 2 tracks
Simulkopp 3 tracks
Tad Ei 1 track
Valentín Endeiza 1 track
Villa MC 3 tracks
Vorderg4ng 2 tracks
Vorsoto 1 track
Yo y la Marea 2 tracks
etze 3 tracks