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The Sound of Música Timor-Leste

Explore the rich and diverse musical landscape of Timor-Leste with "The Sound of Música Timor-Leste" playlist. This collection captures the unique blend of traditional and contemporary sounds that echoes the island's vibrant culture and history. Tracks like "O Rai Timor" by Tonny Pareira and Elder D. Araujo, alongside "Angelina" by Tonny Pareira, deliver poignant melodies that speak to the heart of Timorese identity. Meanwhile, performances by The Dili Allstars, including "O Hele Le" and "Liberdade," infuse energetic rhythms and a modern twist to traditional tunes.

The playlist offers a deeper dive into the authentic sounds of Timor-Leste with songs by Maubere Timor like "Hamutuk Fo Liman" and the captivating choral arrangements of Coro Sol Nascente in "Labelain" and "Kole Lele Mai II." Tracks by Ego Lemos, such as "Dame Iha Timor" and "Balibo," draw upon the land's natural beauty and socio-political themes. This playlist serves as a gateway to understanding the soul of Timor-Leste through its music, providing listeners with a rich tapestry of sounds from prominent local artists and ensembles.

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Abril Metan 1 track
Abé Barreto 2 tracks
Agostinho Moniz 1 track
Altino de Araújo 1 track
Amandio Araújo 1 track
Amélia Lopes 1 track
Anau Abuto Mito 2 tracks
Carla 1 track
Coro Infantil Misto de Aileu 1 track
Coro Sol Nascente 3 tracks
Damião Boavida 1 track
Deolinda Resende 1 track
Ego Lemos 3 tracks
Elvis Boavida 1 track
Filipe dos Santos Arranhado 1 track
Filomeno 1 track
Fátima Araújo 1 track
Fátima Murta 1 track
Gina Correia 1 track
Grupo Cultural Tata-Mai-Lau 1 track
Grupo De Dança 1 track
Grupo De Danças E Cantares 1 track
Grupo Moris Foun 1 track
Grupo da Fretilin 1 track
Habitantes de Olpana 1 track
Ilton Boavida 1 track
Inês 1 track
Isabel Tello Mexia 3 tracks
Jessica Maliana 1 track
José Amaral 1 track
Lao Voice 1 track
Macau Sinfonietta 1 track
Manu Mata Akustik 1 track
Margarida Magalhães 1 track
Matius Pinto 1 track
Maubere Timor 3 tracks
Maun Ali Ilha Cristo 1 track
Meireles 1 track
Mr. Mariano Mau Soko 1 track
Mário 1 track
Orquestra de Macau 1 track
Pascoal Boavida 1 track
Pedro Vaz 1 track
Quarteto de Cordas Xanana 1 track
Ros S 1 track
Simão Barreto 1 track
Terus 1 track
The Dili Allstars 3 tracks
Tonny Pareira 3 tracks
Tonny Pareira, Elder D. Araujo 1 track
Unicornio Azul 1 track
Zeta da Costa 1 track