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The Sound of Neue Volksmusik

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"The Sound of Neue Volksmusik" brings together a diverse selection of modern Alpine folk music, blending traditional sounds with contemporary influences. Featuring artists like Hubert von Goisern, Haindling, and Biermösl Blosn, the playlist showcases everything from folk-rock fusions to Bavarian reggae and jazz-infused Austrian sounds. Tracks such as "Brenna tuats guat" and "Bayern" carry strong regional character while songs like "Rock mi" by voXXclub bring an upbeat energy to the mix.

From the earthy storytelling of Keller Steff's "Bulldogfahrer" to the genre-blurring instrumentals of Herbert Pixner Projekt’s "Quattro," this collection highlights the creativity within Neue Volksmusik. There’s a mix of playful humor, introspective folk, and energetic reinterpretations of traditional melodies, making it a well-rounded listen for anyone interested in contemporary Alpine music scenes.

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Playlist Artists Spotify Logo
Alma 2 tracks
Aniada A Noar 2 tracks
Attwenger 3 tracks
Ausseer Hardbradler 3 tracks
Bairisch Diatonischer Jodelwahnsinn 1 track
Biermösl Blosn 3 tracks
Bluatschink 2 tracks
Blues Lick 1 track
Broadlahn 1 track
Bube Dame König 1 track
Christina Zurbrügg 1 track
Da Huawa, da Meier und I 3 tracks
De Krippelkiefern 1 track
DeSchoWieda 3 tracks
Die Bayerischen Löwen 2 tracks
Die Cuba Boarischen 3 tracks
Die Knödel 2 tracks
Django 3000 3 tracks
Evelyn Mair 1 track
Fäaschtbänkler 2 tracks
Georg Ringsgwandl 3 tracks
H.H.Babe 1 track
Haindling 3 tracks
Heigeign 1 track
Herbert Pixner 3 tracks
Herbert Pixner Projekt 3 tracks
Holler My Dear 1 track
Horst Biewald 2 tracks
Hubert von Goisern 3 tracks
Isarrider 2 tracks
Julia Lacherstorfer 1 track
Kapelle SO&SO 3 tracks
Keller Steff 3 tracks
Kollegium Kalksburg 2 tracks
Letzte Bestellung 1 track
Los Dos y Compañeros 2 tracks
Monika Gruber 1 track
Netnakisum 1 track
Oimara 3 tracks
Roland Hefter 3 tracks
Roland Neuwirth 2 tracks
Roland Neuwirth & Extremschrammeln 2 tracks
STIERIG 1 track
Schariwari 1 track
Schmidbauer & Kälberer 3 tracks
Sparifankal 1 track
Stimmhorn 1 track
Stubnblues 2 tracks
Thomas Hofbauer 1 track
Trio Lepschi 2 tracks
Veronika Kocher 1 track
Wellküren 2 tracks
Wiener Tschuschenkapelle 2 tracks
Zither Manä 2 tracks
voXXclub 2 tracks