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The Sound of Love Live

"The Sound of Love Live" is a vibrant collection that captures the essence of love and performance from some of the most captivating acts in the idol scene. This playlist provides an energetic journey through pop-infused tracks, highlighted by charming vocal performances and dynamic instrumentals. With songs like "夜空はなんでも知ってるの?" by CYaRon! and "Eternal Light" by DiverDiva setting the stage, the playlist explores themes of harmony, dreams, and a sense of togetherness.

Each track, from "Snow halation" by μ's to "Guilty Night, Guilty Kiss!" by Guilty Kiss, brings something unique to the table, blending pop with occasional rock and electronic influences. Standout songs like "Infinity!Our wings!!" and "PASTEL" shine alongside heartfelt anthems such as "微熱からMystery" by lily white. Dive into this playlist to experience a fusion of upbeat tunes and introspective moments, perfect for celebrating love in all its forms with a lively twist.

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A-RISE (綺羅ツバサ(CV.桜川めぐ)、統堂英玲奈(CV.松永真穂)、優木あんじゅ(CV.大橋歩夕)) 1 track
AZALEA 3 tracks
Aqours 3 tracks
Aqoursと浦の星の仲間たち 1 track
A・ZU・NA 3 tracks
BiBi 3 tracks
CYaRon! 3 tracks
DiverDiva 3 tracks
Guilty Kiss 3 tracks
Nijigasaki High School Idol Club 3 tracks
Printemps 3 tracks
QU4RTZ 3 tracks
Saint Aqours Snow 3 tracks
Saint Snow 3 tracks
Yoshiko Tsushima (CV: Aika Kobayashi) 3 tracks
lily white 3 tracks
μ's 3 tracks
にこりんぱな (矢澤にこ (CV.徳井青空)、星空 凛 (CV.飯田里穂)、小泉花陽 (CV.久保ユリカ)) 2 tracks
アサギ (CV.南ことり (内田 彩)) 1 track
エマ・ヴェルデ (CV.指出毬亜) 2 tracks
ミザリィ (CV.園田海未 (三森すずこ)) 1 track
三船栞子 (CV.小泉萌香) 2 tracks
上原歩夢 (CV.大西亜玖璃) 2 tracks
中須かすみ (CV.相良茉優) 2 tracks
優木せつ菜 (CV.楠木ともり) 2 tracks
加藤達也 2 tracks
南ことり (CV.内田 彩) from μ's 2 tracks
南ことり(CV.内田 彩) 3 tracks
国木田花丸 (CV.高槻かなこ) 4 tracks
国木田花丸 (CV.高槻かなこ) from Aqours 3 tracks
園田海未 (CV.三森すずこ) from μ's 2 tracks
園田海未(CV.三森すずこ) 4 tracks
天王寺璃奈 (CV.田中ちえ美) 2 tracks
女性シンガー (CV.高山みなみ) 1 track
宮下 愛 (CV.村上奈津実) 2 tracks
小原鞠莉 (CV.鈴木愛奈) 5 tracks
小泉花陽(CV.久保ユリカ) 4 tracks
恋塚フルーネティ (CV.西木野真姫 (Pile)) 1 track
早乙女リリエル (CV.矢澤にこ (徳井青空)) 1 track
星空 凛(CV.飯田里穂) 2 tracks
朝香果林 (CV.久保田未夢) 2 tracks
東條 希(CV.楠田亜衣奈) 4 tracks
東條ネルエル (CV.小泉花陽 (久保ユリカ)) 2 tracks
松浦果南 (CV.諏訪ななか) 3 tracks
松浦果南 (CV.諏訪ななか) from Aqours 3 tracks
桜内梨子 (CV.逢田梨香子) 3 tracks
桜内梨子 (CV.逢田梨香子) from Aqours 2 tracks
桜内梨子 (CV.逢田梨香子) from Aqours 1 track
桜坂しずく (CV.前田佳織里) 2 tracks
渡辺 曜 (CV.斉藤朱夏) 4 tracks
白鳥ラナエル (CV.絢瀬絵里 (南條愛乃)) 2 tracks
矢澤にこ(CV.徳井青空) 3 tracks
神楽坂ミナモ (CV.星空 凛 (飯田里穂)) 1 track
竜崎クロウエル (CV.高坂穂乃果 (新田恵海)) 2 tracks
絢瀬絵里(CV.南條愛乃) 4 tracks
綾小路シェリエル (CV.東條 希 (楠田亜衣奈)) 2 tracks
藤澤慶昌 3 tracks
西木野真姫(CV.Pile) 5 tracks
近江彼方 (CV.鬼頭明里) 2 tracks
高坂穂乃果 (CV.新田恵海) from μ's 2 tracks
高坂穂乃果(CV.新田恵海) 2 tracks
高海千歌 (CV.伊波杏樹) 2 tracks
高海千歌 (CV.伊波杏樹) from Aqours 2 tracks
高海千歌 (CV.伊波杏樹) from Aqours 1 track
黒澤ダイヤ (CV.小宮有紗) 3 tracks
黒澤ダイヤ (CV.小宮有紗) from Aqours 3 tracks
黒澤ルビィ (CV.降幡 愛) 4 tracks
黒澤ルビィ (CV.降幡 愛) from Aqours 3 tracks