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The Sound of Rap Motywacja

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"The Sound of Rap Motywacja" is a playlist packed with Polish rap tracks that bring a sense of determination, resilience, and street wisdom. Featuring artists like Dixon 37, Lukasyno, and Wysoki Lot, these songs speak to overcoming struggles, pushing forward, and staying true to oneself. Tracks like "Wierz w siebie" and "Daj z siebie wszystko" serve as reminders to stay focused, while songs such as "Lepsze Jutro" and "Żeby życie miało sens" offer messages of growth and purpose.

With raw beats and lyrics that reflect both personal and collective experiences, this playlist blends motivational energy with hard-hitting street narratives. Whether it’s the introspective tone of "Mój Świat" or the drive of "Rywalizacja," each track contributes to an atmosphere of perseverance. Perfect for those looking for rap that inspires action, "The Sound of Rap Motywacja" delivers a mix of grit and motivation straight from the Polish hip-hop scene.

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Playlist Artists Spotify Logo
3Y Yez Yez Yo 2 tracks
Arturo JSP 1 track
August 1 track
Avi 1 track
B&B 1 track
Bas Tajpan 1 track
Blask Ulic 2 tracks
BoKoTy 3 tracks
Bob One 1 track
Bob One feat. Bas Tajpan 1 track
Bonus RPK 3 tracks
Bosski 1 track
Brahu 3 tracks
CUKRAZ 1 track
Chada 1 track
Czaha 2 tracks
DJ 600V 2 tracks
DJ Danek 1 track
DJ Gondek 2 tracks
DJ Grubaz 1 track
Daniel Dym KNF 4 tracks
Dedis 2 tracks
Dixon 37 3 tracks
Dobrzan 1 track
Drużyna Mistrzów 3 tracks
Dudek P56 1 track
Dudek RPK 2 tracks
Egon 3 tracks
Empe 1 track
Epis DYM KNF 1 track
Fidser 1 track
Fuso 1 track
Gedz 1 track
Graba 1 track
Gruby Mielzky 1 track
HZOP 1 track
Hary Piotrek 1 track
Hipotonia 1 track
Intruz 1 track
Jahbestin 2 tracks
Janis Ideal 1 track
Jarecki ZDW 3 tracks
Jarru 1 track
Javeure 1 track
Jongmen 2 tracks
Juras 3 tracks
K2 2 tracks
Kafar Dix37 1 track
Kali 1 track
Kamil Budzyński 1 track
Karat NM 1 track
Kizo 1 track
Kriso 4 tracks
Kriso 1 track
Kwiato 1 track
Kyllo 1 track
KęKę 2 tracks
Louis Villain 1 track
Lukasyno 6 tracks
Magda Gluch 1 track
Mara MDM 1 track
Marcin Lićwinko 1 track
Małach 2 tracks
Michrus Dixon37 1 track
Miroff 1 track
Miss God 1 track
Mol Band 1 track
Młody M 2 tracks
Nizioł 1 track
Non Koneksja 3 tracks
Normano 1 track
Omerta 2 tracks
Orzeu 1 track
PC Park 1 track
Pallacio 1 track
Paluch 3 tracks
Papaj 1 track
Peja 2 tracks
Peku 3 tracks
Pióro 1 track
Poly 1 track
Projekt Hamas 1 track
Przemo DBM 1 track
Quebonafide 1 track
RPS 1 track
RX 1 track
Rdw 4 tracks
Rest Dixon37 1 track
Rudy mrw 2 tracks
Ryjek Bezimienni 3 tracks
SBT 2 tracks
Siwers 1 track
Sokół 2 tracks
Theodor 1 track
Tune Seeker 2 tracks
UDR 1 track
Vander (Konflikt) 1 track
Wieszak ZDR 1 track
Wojtas 1 track
Wowo 1 track
Wysoki Lot 3 tracks
ZIP Skład 1 track
Zarys zdarzeń 2 tracks
ĆPAJ STAJL 1 track
ŻYTO 1 track