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The Sound of Tatar Folk

Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of Tatar folk music with "The Sound of Tatar Folk" playlist, a captivating collection of traditional tunes and soulful serenades. Featuring tracks like "Bahczalarda" by Karolina Cicha and Bart Pałyga, and "Cradle Song" by Zulya, this playlist paints a vivid picture of Tatar culture's melodic beauty. The songs offer a journey through serene lullabies like "Ocean Lullaby" to the more vibrant rhythms of "Ketme, ketme" by Kadriye Nurmambet. Each track is infused with the spirit of Tatar tradition, drawing listeners into a world where heritage and music coexist in harmony.

The playlist also includes enchanting pieces like "Ey Güzel Kırım" by Metin Batur and Mamed Dzafarov, which evoke picturesque landscapes and profound nostalgia. Whether you’re enthralled by the storytelling in "Isle gol (Dushistiy tsvetok)" or moved by the rhythmic richness of "Toñlama, kil inde" by Başkarma, each selection resonates with an undeniable authenticity. It's a musical journey through the heart of Tatarstan, inviting listeners to explore the region’s heritage, one song at a time.

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Playlist Artists Spotify Logo
Bart Pałyga 3 tracks
Baskarma 2 tracks
Başkarma (The Sound of Tsingiskhan) 3 tracks
Children Of The Underground 1 track
Folk Choir Of Fershampenuaz 1 track
Folk Singers And Instrumentalists Of Ostrolenko 1 track
Gabor Bereczki 1 track
Harmonika Ensemble Of Kassel 1 track
Kadriye Nurmambet 3 tracks
Karolina Cicha 3 tracks
Kassel Folklore Ensemble 1 track
Krimm-Tatar Orkiestra 1 track
Laszlo Vikar 1 track
Luman Seidjalilov 3 tracks
Mamed Dzafarov 2 tracks
Mamed Dzhafarov 1 track
Metin Batur 3 tracks
Necip Yüksel 1 track
Ostrolenko Prayer-House Choir 1 track
Remzi Seidjalilov 3 tracks
Sarah Sadykova 1 track
The Vocal Folklore Group Of Parizh 1 track
Vasiljev Afanasi 1 track
Yazcite 1 track
Zoya Dyskina 1 track
Zulya 3 tracks
Zulya And The Children Of The Underground 2 tracks
Ансамбль песни и пляски ТатАССР п/у Александра Ключарёва 1 track
Бахти Гайсин 1 track
Габдулла Рахимкулов 1 track
Галия Гафиатуллина 3 tracks
Гани Валеев 5 tracks
Гульсум Сулейманова 3 tracks
Зэйтунэ Ахтямова 1 track
Ильгам Шакиров 2 tracks
Ильяс Шарипов 1 track
Марс Макаров 3 tracks
Масгут Имашев 2 tracks
Мухтар Ахмадеев 1 track
Наиль Габидуллин 1 track
Насих Вильданов 6 tracks
Раис Сафиуллин 1 track
Рамиль Курамшин 2 tracks
Рафаэль Ильясов 2 tracks
Рашид Вагапов 2 tracks
Ришат Абдуллин 2 tracks
Рукия Ибрагимова 1 track
Сайдаш Гарифуллин ‎ 3 tracks
Тагир Якупов 1 track
Фаил Исхаков 3 tracks
Файзулла Туишев 2 tracks
Фарида Кудашева 2 tracks
Фарук Садыков 1 track
Фатэк Жамалетдинов 1 track
Флёра Сулейманова 2 tracks
Хайдар Сафин 1 track
Хамид Бакиров 1 track
Харис Нигмятзянов 2 tracks