Freestyle Fellowship

Freestyle Fellowship is a pioneering collective in the alternative hip hop scene, hailing from Los Angeles, California. Formed in the early 1990s, the group is composed of Aceyalone, Myka 9, P.E.A.C.E., and Self Jupiter. They are renowned for their improvisational lyrical styles and complex jazz-influenced beats, which set them apart from the gangsta rap that dominated the West Coast hip hop scene at the time. Their groundbreaking albums, such as "To Whom It May Concern" and "Innercity Griots", have been influential in the evolution of underground hip hop, showcasing their unique blend of poetic lyricism and innovative rhythms.

Throughout their career, Freestyle Fellowship has been celebrated for pushing the boundaries of hip hop music, incorporating elements of jazz, funk, and spoken word into their work, which has garnered them a loyal underground following. Despite facing challenges, including legal issues and temporary disbandments, they have continued to produce work that resonates with their audience. Albums like "The Promise" and "Power Plant" demonstrate their enduring relevance in the hip hop community. The remastered version of "To Whom It May Concern..." released in 2021, reaffirms their legacy, showcasing the timeless quality of their music and their continued influence on the genre.

Latest Release
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Lost ADAT (98 Sessions)
Single - Released February 3, 2023
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