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The Sound of Grim Death Metal

"The Sound of Grim Death Metal" is a dive into the darkest corners of death metal’s underground. This playlist brings together a brutal selection of tracks from bands that helped shape the genre’s most ominous and uncompromising sound. From the eerie, crushing riffs of Eternal Dirge's "The Crawling Chaos" to the morbid intensity of Excruciate's "Confused Mind," every track is steeped in raw aggression and bleak atmosphere.

With selections like "Maggot Synod" by Viogression and "Deliver Me Unto Pain" by Banished, the playlist captures the thick, churning heaviness that defines classic death metal. Bands such as Funebre, Gorement, and Rottrevore add a grim touch with their deep, guttural vocals and unrelenting instrumentation. Whether it’s the crushing weight of Baphomet’s "Streaks of Blood" or the sinister tones of Electrocution’s "Rising of Infection," this is a collection for those who appreciate the darkest side of the genre.

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Abhoth 1 track
Accidental Suicide 3 tracks
Adramelech 3 tracks
Apophis 1 track
As Serenity Fades 2 tracks
Autopsy Torment 1 track
Axis Powers 1 track
Banished 3 tracks
Baphomet 2 tracks
Belial 1 track
Blasphereion 2 tracks
Burial 3 tracks
Carnifex (FIN) 2 tracks
Cartilage 1 track
Ceremonium 1 track
Cianide 2 tracks
Creepmime 3 tracks
Crucifer 2 tracks
Crystal Age 2 tracks
Deathrune 1 track
Deceased 2 tracks
Decomposed 3 tracks
Decrepit 1 track
Defaced Creation 2 tracks
Desecrator 3 tracks
Deteriorate 1 track
Disgorged 2 tracks
Disgrace 2 tracks
Disharmonic Orchestra 2 tracks
Electrocution 3 tracks
Embalmer 1 track
Embrionic Death 1 track
Epitaph 3 tracks
Eternal Dirge 3 tracks
Eternal Solstice 3 tracks
Eulogy 1 track
Excrement 2 tracks
Excruciate 3 tracks
Excruciating Pain 2 tracks
Exmortis 2 tracks
Fallen Christ 2 tracks
Funebre 3 tracks
GUTTED 3 tracks
Gomorrah 1 track
Gorement 3 tracks
Grotesque 2 tracks
Headrot 1 track
Hetsheads 3 tracks
Horror Of Horrors 2 tracks
Ijal "Last Goal! Party" 1 track
In Tha Umbra 1 track
Infernal Torment 2 tracks
Inverted 3 tracks
Killing Addiction 3 tracks
Korpse 1 track
Lubricant 1 track
Maceration 2 tracks
Macrodex 1 track
Megaslaughter 3 tracks
Mercyless 3 tracks
Monastery 1 track
Mordicus 3 tracks
Morpheus Descends 3 tracks
Morta Skuld 3 tracks
Mortem 1 track
Mystic Charm 1 track
Necrophiliac 3 tracks
Necrosanct 2 tracks
Nerlich 2 tracks
Oppressor 1 track
Phlegethon 3 tracks
Polluted Inheritance 3 tracks
Reincarnation 2 tracks
Resurrection 3 tracks
Ripping Corpse 2 tracks
Rottrevore 3 tracks
Sarcastic 1 track
Sempiternal Deathreign 1 track
Sepsism 1 track
Serpens Aeon 1 track
Sickening Gore 2 tracks
Sintury 2 tracks
Sororicide 3 tracks
Soulburn 1 track
The Mourning 2 tracks
Torchure 2 tracks
Toxaemia 1 track
Transgressor 3 tracks
Unbounded Terror 3 tracks
Uncanny 2 tracks
Utumno 2 tracks
Victims of Internal Decay 3 tracks
Viogression 3 tracks
Vomiturition 2 tracks
Wicked Innocence 1 track
Winter 1 track
Xysma 2 tracks