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The Sound of Northamptonshire Indie

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RecentMusic users are tracking 57 The Sound of Northamptonshire Indie artists for new releases, and have access to the full timeline of 479 releases .

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Playlist Artists Spotify Logo
Acoda 3 tracks
Acolytes 2 tracks
Baby Lung 3 tracks
Caliburn 2 tracks
Century City 3 tracks
Charlotte Carpenter 2 tracks
Cornucopia 2 tracks
Crash Induction 2 tracks
Fenech-Soler 2 tracks
Fossilheads 3 tracks
Fox Chapel 2 tracks
Frettlyst 2 tracks
From Stems 2 tracks
Future Love 2 tracks
Gogo Loco 2 tracks
Grace 2 tracks
Invocal 2 tracks
Joel Harries 1 track
Karl Phillips 3 tracks
Karl Phillips & The Rejects 3 tracks
Kenneth J Nash 3 tracks
Kieran Smith 2 tracks
King Purple 3 tracks
King's Gambit 1 track
Kröker 2 tracks
Liam Dullaghan 1 track
Luna Rosa 3 tracks
M83 1 track
Maps 3 tracks
Matt Harding 1 track
Matthew Berry 2 tracks
Mrs Pilgrimm 1 track
My First Radio 1 track
My First Tooth 3 tracks
Oddity Island 2 tracks
Operatives 1 track
Paul Weller 1 track
Rolling Thunder 3 tracks
Sarpa Salpa 3 tracks
Siderian 1 track
Slipstream 1 track
Spring Park 1 track
TANAOU 3 tracks
The All New Adventures of Us 3 tracks
The Barratts 3 tracks
The Big Dirty 2 tracks
The Brewer's Daughter 1 track
The Departure 2 tracks
The Keepers 3 tracks
The Mobbs 1 track
The Moons 3 tracks
The On Offs 1 track
The Reeds 1 track
Venus Fly Trap 1 track
We Are Giants 1 track
Wishing Wolf 2 tracks
drinsipa 1 track