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The Sound of Spanish Renaissance

Step into the rich musical landscape of the Spanish Renaissance with this playlist, which brings together sacred polyphony, instrumental fantasias, and lively secular songs from the 15th and 16th centuries. Featuring works by composers like Luis de Milán, Tomás Luis de Victoria, and Cristóbal de Morales, the selections highlight the intricate interplay of voices in religious choral works, the expressive depth of solo vihuela pieces, and the rhythmic energy of courtly dances.

Listeners will find contemplative motets such as “Versa est in luctum” by Alonso Lobo, elegant instrumental variations like Antonio de Cabezón’s “Diferencias sobre la Gallarda Milanesa,” and spirited vocal pieces including “Todos los bienes del mundo” by Juan del Encina. This collection captures the diverse sounds of Spain’s Golden Age, offering a glimpse into the music that resonated through royal courts, cathedrals, and village gatherings.

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A Sei Voci 3 tracks
Accademia del Piacere 2 tracks
Accentus Ensemble 3 tracks
Alberto Blancafort 2 tracks
Alonso Lobo 3 tracks
Alonso Mudarra 3 tracks
Alonso Perez de Alba 2 tracks
Alonso de Mondéjar 2 tracks
Alvaro de los Rios 2 tracks
Ambrosio Cotes 2 tracks
Amystis 1 track
Andreas De Silva 2 tracks
Andres de Torrentes 1 track
Anonymous 1 track
Antonio de Cabezón 3 tracks
Anónimo 1 track
Ars Musicae De Barcelona 1 track
Arthur Maud 1 track
Atrium Musicae de Madrid 1 track
Ballo della Battalia 1 track
Baltimore Consort 1 track
Bartolomé de Escobedo 2 tracks
Bartomeu Carceres 2 tracks
Bernard Fabre-Garrus 3 tracks
Bor Zuljan 1 track
Boston Camerata 1 track
Boston Shawm & Sackbut Ensemble 1 track
Bruno Cocset 1 track
Cantoría 1 track
Capilla Flamenca 2 tracks
Capilla Peñaflorida 2 tracks
Cappella Cervantina 2 tracks
Cappella Pratensis 1 track
Cembaless 1 track
Charles Cole 1 track
Charles Dean 1 track
Choir of St. Ignatius Loyola 1 track
Christina Pluhar 1 track
Christopher Wilson 2 tracks
Chœur Philippus Rex Hipaniae 3 tracks
Colombina, La 4 tracks
Concentus Musicus Minnesota 1 track
Cor de Cambra Dyapason 2 tracks
Coros De Radio Nacional De España 2 tracks
Cristina García Banegas 1 track
Cristobal de Morales 3 tracks
Daniele Carnovich 1 track
David Garcia 2 tracks
David Sagastume 1 track
Denis Raisin-Dadre 1 track
Det Norske Blåseensemble 1 track
Diego Ortiz 3 tracks
Diego Pisador 3 tracks
Dirk Snellings 2 tracks
Doulce Mémoire 1 track
Dulces Exuviae 1 track
Elizabeth C. Patterson 1 track
Enrike Solinís 1 track
Enrique Gispert 1 track
Enríquez de Valderrábano 3 tracks
Ensemble Plus Ultra 2 tracks
Eric Betthauser 1 track
Esteban Daza 3 tracks
Fahmi Alqhai 2 tracks
Forma Antiqva 1 track
Francesco de la Torre 2 tracks
Francisco Guerrero 3 tracks
Francisco de Peñalosa 3 tracks
Fretwork 1 track
Gabriel Mena 2 tracks
Ginés de Morata 2 tracks
Gloriae Dei Cantores 1 track
Gonzalo Martínez de Bizcargui 1 track
Gregorio Paniagua 1 track
Guido Balestracci 1 track
Harry Christophers 1 track
Herbert Tachezi 1 track
Hernando Franco 2 tracks
Hernando de Cabezón 1 track
Hespèrion XX 4 tracks
Hespèrion XXI 2 tracks
His Majestys Sagbutts & Cornetts 1 track
Hopkinson Smith 1 track
Horacio Franco 2 tracks
Huelgas Ensemble 1 track
Ireen Thomas 1 track
James O'Donnell 1 track
Jesús García Aréjula 1 track
Joan Brudieu 1 track
Joan Pau Pujol 1 track
Joaquim Guerra 2 tracks
Joel Cohen 1 track
Johannes Cornago 1 track
John Eliot Gardiner 1 track
Jordan Sramek 3 tracks
Jordi Savall 12 tracks
Josep Cabre 2 tracks
Joshua Rifkin 1 track
José Duce Chenoll 1 track
José Miguel Moreno 5 tracks
Juan Arañés 2 tracks
Juan Bermudo 1 track
Juan Blas de Castro 1 track
Juan Carlos Rivera 1 track
Juan Cornago 1 track
Juan De Urrede 1 track
Juan Esquivel Barahona 1 track
Juan Vasquez 3 tracks
Juan de Anchieta 3 tracks
Juan de Triana 2 tracks
Juan del Encina 3 tracks
Kent Tritle 1 track
Kristine Kautzman 1 track
L'Arpeggiata 1 track
La Capella Reial De Catalunya 4 tracks
Les Basses Réunies 1 track
Les Sacqueboutiers 3 tracks
Lisa Drew 1 track
London Oratory Schola Cantorum 1 track
Loreto Fernandez Imaz 1 track
Luis Venegas de Henestrosa 3 tracks
Luis de Milán 3 tracks
Luis de Narváez 3 tracks
Lutz Kirchhof 2 tracks
M. Angles Tormo 2 tracks
Mark Bennett 1 track
Mateo Flecha 2 tracks
Melchor Robledo 1 track
Michael Noone 3 tracks
Micrologus 2 tracks
Miguel de Fuenllana 3 tracks
Mika Suihkonen 1 track
Ministriles de Marsias 1 track
Mixel Etxekopar 1 track
Montserrat Figueras 4 tracks
Musica Ficta 1 track
New York Polyphony 1 track
Nigel Short 4 tracks
Nordic Voices 1 track
Núria Rial 1 track
Núria Sanromà 2 tracks
Odhecaton 1 track
Oltremontano 1 track
Orchestra Of The Renaissance 1 track
Paolo da Col 1 track
Paul Hillier 4 tracks
Paul Van Nevel 1 track
Pedro Bermúdez 1 track
Pedro Ruimonte 1 track
Pedro de Pastrana 1 track
Pere Oriola 1 track
Piffaro 1 track
Qvinta Essençia 1 track
Raquel Andueza 1 track
Raúl Mallavibarrena 1 track
Rodrigo de Ceballos 2 tracks
Roland Peelman 1 track
Schola Cantorum of Boston 1 track
Sebastián Aguilera de Heredia 2 tracks
Sebastián de Vivanco 3 tracks
Seldom Sene 1 track
Shirley Rumsey 7 tracks
Stile Antico 1 track
Tenebrae 3 tracks
Tenebrae Consort 1 track
Teodor Roura 2 tracks
The Hilliard Ensemble 4 tracks
The King's Singers 1 track
The Monteverdi Choir 1 track
The Rose Ensemble 3 tracks
The Sixteen 1 track
The Song Company 1 track
Thomas Wimmer 3 tracks
Tim O'Brien 1 track
Tomás Luis de Victoria 3 tracks
Tomás de Santa Maria 1 track
Toyohiko Satoh 2 tracks
Valentín Perez 2 tracks
Victoria de los Ángeles 1 track
Westminster Cathedral Choir 1 track
Women's Choir of the Church "Les Amis de la Sagesse" 1 track
Xavier Diaz-Latorre 1 track