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The Sound of Syro-Aramaic Chant

See also Intro, Pulse or 2023; or the Sounds of Naturjodel, Chant Religieux, Baptist Gospel, Caucasian Folk, Cimbálová muzika, Erhu, Georgian Folk, Gregorian Chant, Icelandic Choir or Irish Ballad; or much more at

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A cappella choir of deaconesses of the Church of the Virgin (Qamishli) 1 track
Abbas Badawy 1 track
Abel Periyappuram 1 track
Abraham Schwadron 1 track
Ado Abdelmasih 2 tracks
Alexander Koolipurackal 2 tracks
Anonymous 1 track
Augustus Thekkanath 1 track
Aziz Gunel 1 track
Chaldean Assyrian Syriac Aramaic 2 tracks
Chants From the Holyland- The Monks of the St. Mark's Monastery 2 tracks
Choeurs Des Eglises St-Georges 3 tracks
Choir from the Syriac Orthodox Church in Zahle 1 track
Choir of deaconesses of the Church of the Virgin (Qamishli) 1 track
Choir of the Antonine School of Music 2 tracks
Choir of the Assyrian Church of the East 1 track
Chorale de l'église Saint-Julien-le-Pauvre 1 track
Christian Hymns Chaldean Assyrian Syriac Aramaic 3 tracks
Deacons of the Church of the Virgin of Qamishli 2 tracks
Dr. Hassan Moraib 1 track
Dâwûd Suleyman 1 track
Evelyne Daoud 1 track
Fuad İspir 1 track
Ghada Shbeir 3 tracks
His Holiness Moran Mar Ignatius Yaacub III 1 track
Ibrahim Aksan 1 track
Isa Cicek 1 track
Jahanara Laura Mangus 3 tracks
James Aerthayil 1 track
John Nelson 1 track
Lena Farah 2 tracks
Les Solistes de la Musique Byzantine 1 track
Lonappan Arackal 1 track
Mahdi Kallas 1 track
Mansour Sayter 1 track
Maximos Fahmé 1 track
Melthodhaye Musical 3 tracks
Micha El 3 tracks
Miled Tarabay 6 tracks
Mixed a capella choir of the Church Saint Ephrem of Aleppo 1 track
Mount Lebanon Orthodox Byzantine Choir 2 tracks
Probus Perumalil 1 track
Qolo 3 tracks
Saint Mark Syriac Choir 1 track
Saint Mark Syriac Convent Choir 3 tracks
Seraphim Bit-Kharibi 3 tracks
Sergio Yanes 2 tracks
Shammas Yohanna Taschji 1 track
St-Ephraïm D'Alep 3 tracks
St. Joseph Chaldean Choir 1 track
Syriac Choir Of St. Mary’s Church 1 track
Syriac Choir of St. John’s Church. 1 track
Syriac Music Choir 3 tracks
Syrian Orthodox Church 1 track
Syrian refugee children in the Assyrian tradition 1 track
Sœur Marie Keyrouz 3 tracks